Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’ to – 310 points –
Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’

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Cool, now do the API and I'll consider not actively avoiding your website.

I won't. They'd have to fire Steve with no golden parachute, then maybe.

I don't really care how much Steve gets out of it, I just want a not-terrible platform. So I'm cool with a golden parachute if that's what it takes to get rid of him and get someone better for the platform.

That's not happening though, so I'll just avoid the platform.

I don’t mind him having golden parachute- it is heavier and most likely won’t open.

Golden-plated cement boots, dropped from above the Mariana Trench.

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And they also have to let people use a VPN. And make UI load faster, it's way too bloated.

I tried going back for a while, but when I couldn't connect on VPN, I left again.

So they can train openai on your comments? No thanks. Its done for good IMO.

The AI companies will do that shit on Lemmy also. At least there isn't a far-right Nazi getting money on our user generated content tho, unlike reddit.

The profiteering and shitting on the community is what got me to remove my content and account. As an owner of the platform, they cant have it both ways.

The fediverse is an excellent place to find training data for AIs. I would just set up a bot that follows a bunch of people and let them send their data to me, then I don’t even need to bother with scraping.

The fediverse arguably has more bots, just not trying to hide the fact

They're going to do that regardless, they'll just scrape instead of using the API.

I want an open API so I can use third party apps. I'm totally fine with them requiring an API token or something with a sensible rate limit to limit abuse by parties like openai (they'll have to go through a sales contract).

Nah, too late. Now that I’ve finally migrated to the fediverse, I’m staying here.

Not even the API. Just a usable page that doesn't feel so broken and bloated.

Did they switch off in the end? That was the only useful front-end on desktop.

Nope, that is still there, RES still works as well

Ok at least something. Not going back, but that was always the last potential nail in the coffin.

Sort of, you no longer can sign in or create an account without using the new site

That ship has sailed, I thoroughly nuked an account that almost could have drunk in the us and I'd be fucked if I make another after the assholes restored my comments as by [deleted] or some shit and now they're training fucking electronic snoids to parrot my wisdom and humor to obsolete me. It's the principle I object to, I piss in this pot here knowing full well there's runoff across the fediverse and I'd never be able to sponge back all the piss, but those assholes lie and steal.

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