Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Suggests Religion Is Used To Manipulate People to Not The – 455 points –
Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Suggests Religion Is Used To Manipulate People

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Farve ended up being a steaming pile of shit.

Let Rodgers be an ok dude.

This claim keeps him an ok dude.

Please keep it there.

I'm sorry to hear about the coma you've been in for the last 8 years. Hopefully you have a quick recovery!

I left behind sportsball well over 8 years ago...

I won't look it up, but I'm guessing not good things have surfaced since.

Edit: also, referencing this guy as a QB suggests its not the guy who the QB sneak G.O.A.T. when I stopped paying attention to sportsball and the Packers where decidedly the best team in the institution.

If you stopped following sports 8 (fucking 8!) years ago, why the fuck are you here making hopeful comments about Rodgers?

last time I was hanging out outside the book place where they had the page thingies, those wordnerds couldn’t take how goddamned edgy and cool I was when I told them that I couldn’t care less about their treelines, lol at them right??