Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Suggests Religion Is Used To Manipulate People to Not The – 455 points –
Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Suggests Religion Is Used To Manipulate People

So... in reading the article, it seems he suggest the government is using religion to manipulate people into forgetting about all the aliens they're hiding.

So, not so much with the sanity.

Whew! For a second there, I was worried that I agreed with Aaron Rogers.

I thought maybe Aaron Rogers finally found the correct cocktail of meds to make him sane

Ric Romero reporting from the No Shit Sherlock Institute...

IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN USED TO MANIPULATE PEOPLE! That’s all it has ever been. It’s used to hold power over people by preying on their fear of the unknown.

Naw, not only manipulation. It's also poor man's philosophy. Humans like to have an answer for the big questions wether they know wtf they're saying or not. I think something like religion is inevitable with the absence of explanations.

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It’s used to hold power over people

Yes. It’s used by the rich to make people into stooges to do their bidding.

And burning them at the stake if they didn't do as told.

It's about power.

Can You bring it down a notch. We're all right here.

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Goddamn does this headline bury the lede or what?

Lmao… right???

Rodgers is known for his belief in alien life and in the supernatural. During his interview with Carlson, he suggested that the government knows of the existence of these beings, but keeps them from public knowledge and could be using religion to manipulate people’s thinking

I mean with all the shit that world governments are constantly pulling it really wouldn't surprise me at this point.

Like whistleblowers disappear all the time or are labeled crazy people.

Imagine a govt employee suddenly ranting and raving about aliens or extra dimensional beings. Even if he had proof it wouldn't be hard for the govt to make him look like a crackpot or make it seem like he had a mental breakdown.

Edit: Y'all I'm not saying I actually believe this shit just that I wouldn't be surprised.

Uh huh. If aliens were able to reach our solar system, do you think they would give one shit about being seen by a primitive civilization with zero space defenses?

If we're talking about signs of alien life from deep space scans, do you really think that the scientists that found this evidence, who have spent their life pursuing the better understanding of the galaxy, would keep quiet about it at the behest of whatever government?

Life isn't that interesting. There's no massive multi-government conspiracy. We couldn't even get governments to shut down borders or enforce mandates on wearing mask when a global pandemic of unknown severity was ongoing.

You've watched too much fictional media if you think any conspiracy of that level is remotely plausible.

Proof of aliens wouldn’t be your typical info that requires clearance, it would be the highest level of compartmented info. Everyone involved would need the highest security clearance. Everyone. Whoever empties the garbage cans needs to be trusted.

This wouldn’t be like nuclear secrets or spy secrets. All you need is one or two people who believe that disclosure of aliens would benefit humanity more than the secret will protect them. You need one Edward Snowden for aliens - someone reputable to blow the whistle with hard proof of some sort.

The amount of people that would need to keep this secret forever is astronomical. Not just the people directly involved, but any second or third degree contacts who find out would also have to keep the secret.

The ability to maintain a secret is an inverse-square function. The more people, the longer time passes, and the less involved they are day-to-day, the more likely the security will break down. There would absolutely be deathbed confessions. Over time, the probability of disclosure happening increases towards 100%.

This is why most conspiracy theories don’t hold water. No secret can last forever and certainly not one that big.

This is what I keep saying too. To believe that so many people would keep a secret is just insane. Like the conspiracy about the NFL being rigged. It's not even just the number of people involved and the passage of time. With all the egos on any given team, there's no way all the players, the coaches, and everybody else would roll over and throw a game just because that was "the plan"for that year.

World governments wouldn't be able to stop the LGM from just landing in the middle of Tokyo for all to see. They have no control in that situation.

Discovering microbes on Mars might be one thing, but it's also the kind of thing the general public wouldn't give a shit about.

Humorous thought just occurred to me. What if the governments of the world are really a false flag operation to keep us from believing that a capable government could exist. And that there is a real one that knows about aliens and so much more... There has to be a book about that somewhere.

You’re describing “The Illuminati: The Secret Society That Hijacked the World” by Jim Marrs, unless that’s the joke.

CIA sold crack....what else does the govt need to do to convince us they will do anything.

Kinda surprised that something sane tumbled out of his mouth.

edit: apparently, it wasn't as sane as the headline made it sound, lol

A broken clock is right twice a day

But he isn’t right nearly that often, lol

He has managed not to expose himself to any reporters, so far. For whatever that’s worth.

I guess that means he’s still outperforming his predecessor, but… wtf.. Green Bay? That’s twice?

Kinda makes you wonder what fuckery Fields will bring to the table.

He's actually worse than a broken clock. Even twice a day when he manages to be right, he's wrong - because he's so phenomenally stupid.

He's going so crazy he accidentally lapped around to sane for a minute

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Well, duh.

Here's a thing: so are sports.

You can play sports and not be manipulating people.

You cannot lead a church and not be manipulating people, even if unwittingly.

That's a false comparison. You can't lead anything without, to a point, manipulating people. You can manipulate them transparently and for their benefit, or you are manipulating them for your own. The people who lead and run sports leagues are definitely not doing it out of a sense of charity.

Plenty of churchgoers and even pastors are in it to serve people with no real personal benefit. The same can't be said of professional sports players.

At some point in an ecclesiastical hierarchy someone is manipulating people for their own benefit, knowing they're doing so. They profess miracles while knowing there are none.

Above a certain level all you'll find are charlatans.

The only religions that do not operate like this are unaffiliated churches, mystical, or nontheistic religions like Buddhism, Jainism etc.

If you profess a god and have a hierarchical structure your leaders manipulate you for their own gain or prestige. They do not believe.

If you think Buddhists and Jains aren't hierarchical or corrupt oh boy

those big temples and libraries aren't built by prayers but cold hard cash

they've also been doing this for thousands of years

but yes I agree with your point overall just nitpicking your choice of counter examples


People use sources of power for their own benefit. I'm not arguing otherwise. What I'm saying is there's a chance a churchgoer or a pastor is doing it for selfless reasons, where that is never the case for sports.

And your use of superlatives only displays your own ignorance. I've met people in power from several denominations, and many just want to help people. Plenty of denominations teach servant leadership. No doubt many people exploit religion. But at least religion generally tries to teach otherwise.

You really should expose yourself to more real people before just parroting what you hear from loudmouths on the internet. Confirmation bias is a powerful thing.

What I’m saying is there’s a chance a churchgoer or a pastor is doing it for selfless reasons, where that is never the case for sports.

I never said otherwise.

But the whole point here is we're talking not about selfishness we're talking about manipulation.

Manipulation of others to do ones bidding is not the purpose of sports. Panem et circenses sure but not "do my bidding proles"

And I'm extremely aware of how people act and grow up in religions: I grew up in a very hierarchical religious structure and have seen the well intentioned abuses that people earnestly trying to help inflict on others. Manipulation is manipulation, ill intentioned or otherwise. And when you get higher up in a hierarchical structure that professes faith you will reach a point where everyone knows it's fake and chooses to act otherwise.

That's cute that you think sports aren't about manipulation.

Growing up in a single denomination is hardly a varied experience.

I would argue that the Baha'is manage that one pretty well. They don't have clergy, so the person leading Sunday/Saturday Classes is a different person each week, and you are required to thoroughly research the topic that you've been assigned. The assignments.are handed out by the Local Spiritual Assembly, whose members are voted in every year. The primary requirement of being an LSA member is that you don't want the job. This requirement extends to the National Spiritual Assembly, as well as The Universal House of Justice.

I don't usually agree with this guy, but on this one, I do agree.

The article makes it clear that what he means is that The Government is using Religion to manipulate people into not noticing all the extraterrestrial life that they have access to.

I wouldn't agree with that sentiment.

Wait, do I actually agree with Aaron Rogers on something?

(Reads AngryCommieKender's clarification.)

Nope, false alarm!

Whoaaa hey hold on, I agree with this completely. The U.S. Government does use religion to coerce and convince millions that their way is the correct way.

It just doesn't involve aliens...yet. does, just not the type we're talking about. Cause if you're Right, you're right apparently.

I'm going off the title, I don't care enough about rodgers to read the article, but, now that you say that, I can't say I'm surprised. He's a clown.

So do I. It's just news because this guy throws a ball real good?

So funny to call him "Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback."

He's going into his second season on the Jets.

Congrats on him getting his first coherent thought. Hopefully he gets a few more

On the one hand, i love to see people questioning their mythology; on the other its nice of you to join us in the modern world, Aaron

Amazingly smart for an American "football" player.

I mean fucking duh. But honestly who gives af what he has to sy?

...and the government could be hiding the existence of alien life because it would change the way people view religion and threaten this control.

I feel like the headline was leaving out the main idea he was getting at.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Congratulations 🎉

It's always nice to see people start using the reasoning part of their brain. Let's hope he doesn't fall back into his old routines

Religion is the opium for the masses. Nothing new here, really.


What’s the difference? Serious question.

Opiates include artificially lab-constructed products that are based off of the opium that comes from poppies.

So, opium was fine?

Yeah. Pretty much. The original quote by Marx would’ve been in German I assume - which might make a difference. Looking at the US’s painkiller problems “opiate” is possibly more relevant. It’s a negligible difference either way. (Unless a linguist knows better)

I suspect back then, when original quote was created, most, if not all, opium accessible to the public was natural and not a synthetic opiate. To translate it to opiate is likely incorrect then. That's why I was a bit confused by correction "opiate".

Historically speaking I imagine that’s true. I’m not sure why anyone felt the need to “correct” the word in the first place. Especially if it transpires they did so incorrectly…


Farve ended up being a steaming pile of shit.

Let Rodgers be an ok dude.

This claim keeps him an ok dude.

Please keep it there.

I'm sorry to hear about the coma you've been in for the last 8 years. Hopefully you have a quick recovery!

I left behind sportsball well over 8 years ago...

I won't look it up, but I'm guessing not good things have surfaced since.

Edit: also, referencing this guy as a QB suggests its not the guy who the QB sneak G.O.A.T. when I stopped paying attention to sportsball and the Packers where decidedly the best team in the institution.

If you stopped following sports 8 (fucking 8!) years ago, why the fuck are you here making hopeful comments about Rodgers?

last time I was hanging out outside the book place where they had the page thingies, those wordnerds couldn’t take how goddamned edgy and cool I was when I told them that I couldn’t care less about their treelines, lol at them right??