Netanyahu angrily rejects move to seek his arrest, lambasts the ICC saying it has compared Israel to "mass murderers" to World – 363 points –
ICC: Netanyahu angrily rejects move to seek his arrest

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how is killing hamas terrorists and their supporters murder??

if anything,ending hamas would be a good thing for everyone,even the arabs.

Quick question. Are the 4 and 5 year Olds members of hamas? Even if you believe the adults should be wiped off the face of the earth do you believe the small children should be massacred by the tens of thousands like they are now. How about the unarmed people trying to get food from air drops getting gunned down. In my eyes Isreal is targeting unrelated civilians at an alarming rate. Hamas killed about 1000 people where as Isreal has killed near 40000 with most being unrelated civilians.

The term "Palestinian child" is now an anti-semitic slur. Can you please use the term "small Hamas" in future?

Just a clarification: There is no evidence that supports Hamas killing even a 1000 people on 10/7, as Israel refuses an investigation into the matter. At least several hundreds killed by Hamas were IDF terrorists, which are valid war targets. It is also known that Israel was shooting at civilians from helicopters, such as the IDF assault on the music festival. Without a proper investigation, it’s unknown what share of the deaths were actually caused by Hamas vs IDF.

don't care and not bothered by woke rhetorics about Palestinian children,if hamas had no qualms killing israeli children,why should i be bothered by hypocrites using the death of children as a numbers game.

If 3,000 dead sends you into a blind murderous rage, but 35,000+ dead is a normal, acceptable "numbers game," you're not concerned about life, you're just a genocidal racist.

nah,i just don't support genocide and iif any woke ass numbskull decides to use numbers as a justification,i don't give a shit what they think.

Sounds like you don’t understand numbers.

Ignorance is no excuse for justifying war crimes.

lol,ignoring there are innocents on both side but then justifying the lesser one isn't as tragic as the one with more numbers is shit logic.

bunch of woke ass idiots.

I just don't support genocide

Spends multiple comments over two days screaming about how they justify genocide

Also, enough with the #OneJoke woke accusations. We get it, you think anyone not wearing a white hood is woke, you can shut the fuck up about it already.

Don't you have some kid's birthday party to be at, you fucking clown?

i do in fact have a birthday party to be at but not before i am done with your mom.

Shit if we are going by the he hit me first route then Isreal is still the bad guy. Oct 7 wasn't the beginning of history for them and Isreal has been torturing and killing Palestinians for decades. It's almost like hamas was formed because of the abuse being suffered for decades because isreal believes palistinians arent people, but that's too much reading for a mouthbreather who uses the term woke rhetorics.

mind numbing attempts at insults...that was a difficult read written by some neanderthal.

Should probably take a class or two if you are having trouble reading. The tutor won't judge you that much for being an adult and not knowing how to read.

if only your insult is as strong as your bullshit.

For someone that doesn't care you sure keep responding

why,does it bother you i am not bothered with your woke rhetoric?

Are you good bro. You asked a question and then said you don't care about the answer. Why are you still here. I'm picturing you are either a teenager mewing alone in his bedroom thinking he's the coolest person ever or a 50 year old that's angry that people are upset children are getting murdered. Go pick a book and read it.

still pandering that woke ass nonsense i see.

Damn it takes you 6 hours to ponder if killing children is bad. You are stupider than I thought. When hamas did it its bad, when isreal did 40x the killing its worse. I've always wondered what's going through someone's mind when they say something and everyone disagrees with them. Then they continue to respond and say nothing of any importance for hours. Holes might be a good read for you. At the elementary level and has some good morals.

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Because the Palestinian children had nothing to do with the killing of Israeli children? What you're describing and explicitly trying to justify here is collective punishment of all of the two million Palestinians in Gaza (more than half of whom are children) for the crimes of (by Israel's estimates) about 3,000 Hamas terrorists on 7 October.

What you're articulating constitutes a war crime under the Geneva Convention and that's exactly why the ICC is getting involved.

Let me try putting this another way. The population of the US state of Nebraska is about two million. Every year, there are about 6,000 violent crimes committed by Nebraskans. Should every Nebraskan be collectively punished for the crimes of those few thousand Nebraskans?

blah blah blah, conflating not caring about hamas and their supporters dying and then smudging in palestinians in to obfuscate the issue.

fuck hamas,if you want to justify their actions bacause many moons back israel or arabs did this,you should go swim in that cesspool alone.

Seriously, due to Poe's Law, I have to ask, are you trying to cement the perception Israel and it supporters as complete monsters?

i am sure hamas did,not sure about those woke idiots chanting supporting palestine only to mean hamas.

Yikes. "If the mass shooter doesn't care about killing innocent people, why should I feel bad about shooting up the neighborhood he lives in?"

You need professional help. Not a joke or exaggeration.

man lemmy has really attracted thos woke rubbish from reddit.

Define "woke", and explain why it is bad.

you define woke and why it isn't.

You called something woke, why don't you tell me what that word means so I understand what you're saying?

and if i valued your opinion and understanding of things,i'd take the time to explain.

does it look like i am explaining??

Why do you keep dodging the simple request of defining it and why it's bad in this case?

i wasn't,i told you I wasn't interested in your opinions.

Let's use the definition DeSantis used during a court hearing.

"the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."

The injustice here being that the Israeli government thinks one Israeli life is worth 40 Palestinians and growing. That they are allowed to punish an entire country for the actions of the few. Using internationally banned tactics and lies. And committing genocide by starvation by blocking the import of food, water and medicine, and bombing all the buildings.

Know the funny thing? You calling things woke means you believe there are systemic injustices in society and try to address them by calling them out.

woke is a term used by the black people to actually mean be aware of racial prejudices and discrimination.

it has now been perverted and hijacked by a group of people to include anything under the sun that offends them,a label they are proud to use. any one who holds contrary views would immediately be vilified as a nazi,boomer,snowflake or any other derogatory labels.

we all know any aid given to gaza people will be stolen, misappropriated by hamas. funds, building materials from UN were used to spread hate and build tunnels for hamas to carry out their terror attacks on innocent.

hamas gave israel a reason to go crazy on a silver platter on 7th Oct. you want to hold someone accountable,hold hamas. As for Netenyahu,he will be prosecuted once enough evidence has shown he is guilty.

You are correct

Woke has been perverted and hijacked by the anti-woke group to include anything under the sun that offends them.

Gay person on tv? woke

Black person cast in a show? woke

Footballer kneeling during the anthem? woke

Statistics that say we eat too much meat? woke

Pollution reduction? woke

Green energy? woke

Covid prevention measurements? woke

Social aid? woke

Pregnancy prevention? woke

Equal rights for women? woke

A woman on the board of directors? woke

Starbucks only doing a red cup instead of also adding a religion specific quote on it? you guessed it, woke

The aid to Gaza is indeed stolen, but by the Israeli police, not Hamas. They are literally on the border burning all the resources that were send to Gaza. We have documented videos about it.

What is your source?

How many Palestinian lives do you think one Israeli life is worth?


equal rights, representation and treatment for lgbt,women and other marginalized groups isn't woke,its called progression of civil society.

woke is when you demand confirmity to your views and differing veiws or opinions are not accepted,even though the differing party agrees to 80% of the subject in question.

israel do not need to burn or steal aid,they can outright prohibit entry of aid to gaza. since hamas and their supporters are starving,they have more incentive to steal and deny aid to gaza people.

trading hamas for food should have been the sane thing to do.

So if the numbers don't matter then Hamas killing just one child justifies Isreal killing tens of thousands of children?

If the numbers were reversed and it was Hamas killing tens of thousands, would you be just as indifferent to the numbers?

I think you don't care about the numbers because it fits your world view of Israel is right and Hamas is wrong. Excessive killing by Isreal doesn't matter because they're right, but if it was excessive killing by Hamas (and 3000 is excessive under normal circumstance) matters because Hamas is wrong.

the framing that a country vs an organisation is where you people got it wrong.

hamas is an organzation representing gaza and idf were the one responsible for the atrocities. the whole of Israel isn't behind the bombing of gaza,there are those who oppose it.

woke idiots have been framing the entire situation as if a country and her people where behind this,where this wasn't the case.

why should i care what the woke idiots think??

You can't be that stupid. Nobody is going to write "Israeli government" every single time. Isreali government represents Israel so people write Isreal. furthermore, IDF is an extension of the government which makes it an extension of Israel. Putting the responsibility on the IDF is like saying Russia didn't invade Ukraine, Russian military did. Absolute nonsense.

You refuse to understand commonly used meanings and instead create your own meanings, and then call everyone else idiots. You're unfit to have this discussion.

the stupid ones are those that conflate the 2 like that you are doing.

so maybe if you had some intelligence,you'd understand why sometime,we need to be clear and concise on some things.

god damn woke ass clowns,i cannot.....

When people say Israel they mean the government. It may also contain the Israelis supporting the actions of the government, because there the distinction is unnecessary. It never contains Israelis critical of the government because it's obvious that unless the discussion is contains points about them they don't matter in the discussion.

Everyone is already making the distinction, just not the exact way you want it. This is why you're unfit to have this discussion, because either you're arguing over pointless semantics or you're too stupid to understand what the fuck the rest of us are talking about.

when you are of unfit mind,your writings would seem senseless to those who are of sound mind.

i guess the only thing that makes sense is you recognizing how unfit your mind is and how unqualified your bias opinions are.

You one of those people who will try to get the last word even if you've got nothing to say?

nope,i will let you get in the last word after this reply,even though i knew you had nothing to offer.

i promise :)

Nothing to offer? There's nothing to say to "I'm not stupid, you're stupid", which is the gist of your comment. How about you address what I said instead of being a manchild. How about you explain why you're throwing all the dead Palestinians in the "supports Hamas" pot but then turn around and state it's important to know throw all the Israelis in the "supports Isreali government" pot?

Actually let's consider those rhetorical questions and this my last word. I've got better things to do than waste time on your Elon Musk intellect.

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Because "killing supporters" is just a fancy way of saying "murdering civilians". Besides it just lays the groundwork for Hamas 2.0 what's not a good thing.

should I care??

hamas has been using shit logic to kill innocents,i have no sympathies for them or their supporters.

Any chance at peace starts with caring at least a little, so that means you want eternal war and/or genocide, but we already knew that and the ICC confirmed this.

caring for terrorist????


They're still human. Dehumanization is always a clear sign of a morally corrupt regime. Have you considered both sides in this conflict might be terrorists?

so far,the ones saying women and children are fair game is hamas...soooooo

And Israel does mass starvation of women and children out of the goodness of their hearts as a beacon of benevolence of course.

benevolence for the Palestinian is needed but not for hamas and their supporters.

anyone trying to conflate the 2 will only make life difficult for the innocents.

a dead hamas is better for the palestinians, don't try and conflate palestinians with hamas,they sre not the same.

don’t try and conflate palestinians with hamas,they sre not the same.

The court says this is exactly what Netanyahu has been doing, that it's deliberate, and that they have proof.

so why are the woke crowd so readily conflate israel with netanyahu and hamas with palestine??

You make a lot of assumptions for someone so scared of caring.

Are you really such a fragile snowflake?

the term snowflakes is for the woke crowd that gets offended easily by the slightest of things. mostly used by the right wing nut jobs or conservatives.

you should have labelled me either a boomer or right wing nut job. wrong label dude.

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