Reminder... to Lefty – 1039 points –

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It’s also the job of the electorate to educate themselves on the consequences of their vote (and non-vote). Don’t act like nobody knew who Trump was, what he had already done, or was listening to what he was saying.

Not job, DUTY. Otherwise I get your point. I'd like to add that it is also the duty of those more educated to try to educate others in a non-hostile, factual, and rhetorically effective way in order to bolster the numbers of people who can make informed/educated decisions on these things.

Again you are completely taking Biden out of his responsibility. Why do you want to vote for a guy that rather wants to lose to Trump, than provide decent policies around basic human rights, like the right not to get genocided?

Biden and the DNC rulers are a group of psychopaths. They will not care as long as they get the money form their rich donors, who don't care if Biden or Trump is doing their bidding.

"I don't like Biden's support for Israel's genocide so I'm going to make it more likely that the guy who would support Israel's genocide even more gets into office."

Incredibly dumb take.

"I am telling my politicians that they dont need to listen to me, they will get my vote no matter what. Oh why do they never listen to me?"

Incredible big brain take.

"The time to make a change is election year and once it's over I'll go back to being politically inactive"

How many demonstrations have you been to in the past three years? If the number is below 30 you should stop projecting

Again you are completely taking Biden out of his responsibility.

Ve done nothing of the sort. If you think anything I’ve said even comes close to that, you’re hallucinating. Or lying.

Why do you want to vote for a guy that rather wants to lose to Trump, than provide decent policies around basic human rights, like the right not to get genocided?

That’s such a loaded question and so absurdly fallacious on its face, I’m not going to even dignify it by answering it, but I will say that you clearly don’t care what I want, just to push an agenda.

But, since you didn’t ask, what I want is for Trump to lose, and that math is simple: any vote not for Biden helps Trump, and no matter how much you dislike Biden, Trump will be 1000x worse. We know, because Trump has promised that.

Biden and the DNC rulers are a group of psychopaths.

Compared to Trump, they’re saints, and if you can’t see that, you’re clearly incapable of rational discourse on the matter. Or you’re clearly here to feebly undermine confidence in Biden in support of Trump.

Either way, your argument is transparent, fact-free, and little more than Fox News fodder.

By voting Biden you declare your support of his policies. That is the fundamental way of how democracies work. You vote your representative because you think he is representing you.

By attacking anyone who says you shouldn't approve of genocide as your representation you abolish your representative from his responsibility of not supporting genocide and instead blame it on the people who think that genocide is never an acceptable representation for them.

For you individually as a citizen there is only one legal way to hold a politician responsible. And that is by denying them further support in the next election. Now if it comes to group action through demonstrations, unions, lobbying etc. that is great and even better to do. But if it is down to you and the ballot the only direct thing is to declare before what your political demands are and vote accordingly. If your demand is "genocide is okay" then you will have to make that up with your consciousness, the victims and survivors and eventually towards future generations.

By voting Biden you declare your support of his policies.

Wrong. But if telling lies makes you feel better about voting for a literal fascist (or doing nothing to stop him) who promises to be a dictator from day 1, don’t blame me for trying to stop that when it’s clearly what you want.

It’s also the job of the electorate to educate themselves on the consequences of their vote (and non-vote).

It actually isn't, no. Nobody is paying them to do that and, in the case of millions if not tens of people who are amongst the working poor because of the kind of economic policy the Dems have been putting out ever since she and her husband remade the party in their own image in 1992, they aren't realistically able to with neither candidates nor mainstream media helping them sort the wheat from the chaff.

When you're already working 60 hours a week trying (and often failing) to make ends meet on top on whatever family commitments you may have, you can't be expected to have energy left to fact check candidates and media outlets for free. It's simply not that voter's responsibility to keep powerful and well-paid people honest.

Don’t act like nobody knew who Trump was, what he had already done, or was listening to what he was saying.

Then maybe Hillary and the media shouldn't shouldn't have done all they could to make sure he became the candidate!

That the fascist ever got anywhere near the nomination, let alone the presidency itself, is hundreds of times more the fault of the rich and powerful people paid to prevent it than the people they failed to convince to vote for an evil, however lesser it would have been.

It actually isn't, no. Nobody is paying them to do that

That is the worst and most entitled excuse for the abandonment for any and all personal responsibility since I heard my 3-year-old niece try to convince my brother she should never have to wipe her own butt because he will always be there to do it for her.

Wow. Shame on you.

People don't take their citizenship seriously, it seems.

Clearly, you didn't understand what I was trying to explain any better than your niece would have.

If anyone's abandoning personal responsibility, it's the awful candidates who don't do their job and then blame people who suffer for it much more than the candidates ever will.

I'm not saying that it's a good or even neutral thing to not vote for the lesser evil when only evils are available. Of course that's had.

I'm saying that it's the responsibility of the candidates to not be evil and to convince enough voters of it that the greater evil doesn't win.

Clearly, you didn't understand what I was trying to explain any better than your niece would have.

I understand that you’re trying to blame others for something that’s your own responsibility: educating yourself, and the consequences of your own actions, such as your vote

And while you whine about candidates “not being evil” and refuse to vote for Biden, you help the far more “evil” Trump win.

But I’m sure, just like my 3 year-old niece, you’ll find someone else to blame for the consequences of your actions.

I understand that you’re trying to blame others for something that’s your own responsibility: educating yourself

Clearly you don't understand since that's in no way what I'm doing. I DO educate myself about the candidates, their policy positions and their trustworthiness at every election. I'm saying that not everyone CAN s that since they already have more to do than can be reasonably expected of them.

and the consequences of your own actions, such as your vote

Again, not myself I'm talking about. I'm gonna be at my local polling place come election day no matter how much I have to hold my nose and suppress my gag reflex

I have it easier than just tens of millions of working poor: I don't have to work long hours on election day. I don't have children I'd need to get someone to look after and my local polling place isn't understaffed and the only one available to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

Voting isn't easy for everyone as it is for me and evidently also you.

And while you whine about candidates “not being evil” and refuse to vote for Biden

Again not once since I turned 18 23 years ago have I missed a chance to cast my vote

you help the far more “evil” Trump win.

Nope, that's you lot with your insistence that everyone shut up and obey your crappy candidates and never demand good choices.

A good candidate would beat the orange man-child in a landslide ten times out that ten. Only awful candidates lose to him or barely scrape a win.

Clearly you don't understand since that's im no way what I'm doing

It’s the first thing you said in your first reply to me. lol

Again, not myself I'm talking about.

When it’s your vote, of course it is. you’re just trying to deflect responsibility for that (and educating yourself) onto others. It was the very first thing you said to me.

Voting isn't easy for everyone as it is for me and evidently also you.


Nope, that's you lot with your insistence that everyone shut up and obey your crappy candidates and never demand good choices.

Making up stories again as an excuse to blame others for the consequences of your actions.

And you’re hallucinating again if you heard anyone say that you can’t demand good choices. But you’re also delusional if you believe that helping Trump win by not voting for Biden will accomplish anything but the opposite.

It’s the first thing you said in your first reply to me.

Said it in third person about other people. Learn how grammar works.

When it’s your vote, of course it is. you’re just trying to deflect responsibility for that (and educating yourself) onto others

Again, it isn't. As I told you at length, I've never not voted and have always researched candidates before doing so.

What I'm trying to get through your thick skull is that other people don't have the time, energy and easy opportunity to do that, which makes it important for candidates to be honest and good enough to be worth going through all that trouble while already running on fumes.

Both Biden and Hillary have failed that part of THEIR job abysmally.

It was the very first thing you said to me.

Again, learn fucking grammar 🤦

Making up stories again as an excuse to blame others for the consequences of your actions.

Of the dozens of times you were dropped on your head as a child, how many would you say were intentional?

And you’re hallucinating again if you heard anyone say that you can’t demand good choices

You didn't literally say so, but you're implying as much by telling everyone to shut up and fall behind awful choices such as Biden.

But you’re also delusional if you believe that helping Trump win by not voting for Biden will accomplish anything but the opposite.

Again, never said anything of the sort. You shitlibs REALLY love using that strawman every time anyone points out how Biden is throwing the election and thus American democracy.

Just saying “nuh-uh!” Over and over doesn’t change the facts, lol

Get a better answer argument (and better personal responsibility) than a selfish 3 year old.

Just saying “nuh-uh!” Over and over doesn’t change the facts

Neither does putting words in my mouth with endless strawmen and pretending to not understand simple English.

Get a better answer argument (and better personal responsibility) that a selfish year old.

Right back at you, chief.

You’re the only one who puts the words in anyone’s mouth, and repeatedly lied and hallucinated to make your absurd and fallacious argument. The comments here bear that out. Once again, blaming others for the consequences of your own actions.

Again with the strawmen and bad reading comprehension. You honestly sound agitated and unhinged. Should probably touch grass or something 🤷

If anyone's abandoning personal responsibility, it's the awful candidates who don't do their job and then blame people who suffer for it much more than the candidates ever will.

Don't bother. They don't want to understand that and will continue to just ignore that point while screaming. Everyone who doesn't want to vote for their candidate is a "tankie facist" to them anyways.

“No you!” is yet another argument I’d expect from my 3 year-old niece. But it doesn’t change the facts, and your comments are still here for everyone to see.

Nor does it change the fact that your vote is your responsibility alone, as are the consequences.

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