Trump Legal Team Pins Hopes on Hung Jury to politics – 155 points –
Trump Legal Team Pins Hopes on Hung Jury

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Hung is something Trump wished he was.

I certainly wish he was too. Just not in such a nice way :D

Quirk of English, but the word you're looking for is hanged.

Wrong. Hung is correct in the same manner.

I reject your bullshit English rules that are outdated and churlish.

Be careful with what you post publicly, friend.

I hate Trump, but the SS takes comments like yours seriously enough to trigger an investigation.

Edit: I've been schooled. So it's more like winning the lottery. But is that a lottery you'd like to risk winning, though?

You're talking out of your ass. Stuff like this is mild compared to what it takes to trigger that kind of response. Millions of people make comments like these on the daily.

Millions, huh? Show me 100,763 examples.

7500 hardcore, actually-directed-enough-to-take-serious threats per year. Now, consider all the maga morons and their constant shit talking across the internet, and it's easy to extrapolate.

That's not the 100,763 I requested. Checkmate!

But more seriously, thank you for schooling me. I was indeed talking out of my ass, then.

Sorry for being so harsh with my wording; I live in the south, so I've gotta deal with a lot of MAGA assholes and it's kind of ingrained itself into my personality a little. Also, thanks for looking out for me, I know you were just trying to make sure I wasn't targeted :)

No apology necessary. I'd do the same in your position.