President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June to politics – 379 points –
President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June

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I’m not the one pretending here. No progress has been made during this administration.

My brother in christ it takes literally one Google search to see how utter bullshit this take is.

One that struck me is how Biden handled monkeypox. Under Trump, monkeypox would have been a "gay disease" that would have not been taken seriously at all. The Biden administration took it seriously and now I've completely forgotten it was a thing.

Go take your lunch break Dimitri.

his pro gay "history" only goes back 2.5 years. lol

while his any-gay history goes back 40+ years

It’s a good thing he’s not going to be running for president 40 years ago, isn’t it? Unless you’re willing to make a blanket generalization that no one can change, maybe back way from the microphone.

he literally tried to multiple times back then. lol

So? Tell me how that has anything to do with now?

it shows that he has no real principles and is just a politician who only cares about getting votes to maintain the status quo

You: Politicians should listen to constituents to represent them and change positions based on new information.

Also You: Anytime a politician changes their position or just a lie to get votes [which is somehow bad].

it speaks to the heart of biden's character; he literally singled out and made the lives of a vulnerable group of people miserable for decades because it got him votes. he didn't change; he just switched faces to get votes and blue maga is giving him a pass despite him being an instrumental figure that created the the political reality we have in this country today.

he'd still be voting against gay people too if it weren't for younger voters making that a problem for him and he's still exactly the same he was on every single other issue; ask the railroad strikers; or people crippled by student loan debt; or refugees imprisoned for fleeing from persecution; or the palestinians in gaza if you doubt that much.

Aww man, wish I caught that. Why didn't the Biden administration help the LGBT community 40 years ago!? He really wasn't a great president in 1984. /S

Look, his recent record shows the kind of administration he's running, and what we could expect in the next 4 years. You may remember he (and Obama) said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman during the 2008 debates. Then, you may remember under the same administration, Gay marriage was federally legalized. It's not like he's going to go back to his pre-2008 stance in November.

Aww man, wish I caught that. Why didn’t the Biden administration help the LGBT community 40 years ago!? He really wasn’t a great president in 1984. /S

there were plenty of pro-gay politicians in 1984 and biden's track record of actively making it worse is a 30 second google search away.

... You may remember he (and Obama) said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman during the 2008 debates. Then, you may remember under the same administration, Gay marriage was federally legalized...

gay marriage was made legal through the courts so it became legalized in spite of that administration; not because of it.

in spite of that administration

Wtf are you talking about? Do you not remember DOMA being repealed which was crucial for gay marriage to pass? Here is a quick list for you to use as evidence that the Obama administration was hostile to LGBTQ people.

plenty of pro-gay politicians in 1984

Wtactualf are you talking about? Yes there were a handful, but being gay was ESPECIALLY a political death sentence then. Saying this just erases the fraught past we've had, and doesn't recognize the INSANE amount of progress we've made.

Also if you read my comment you'd recognize that argument is moot, as his current administration is what is important.

You gotta go and audit your history YouTube channels. You're getting some wacked info.

the obergefell v. hodges supreme court case made doma invalid. you're thinking of the respect for marriage act which not only had no impact but allowed for people to legally protected if they rejected gay marriage.

hollywood and political agitators made that progress happen; while those people you're supporting remained neutral at best and voted against it at the worst.

Christ is a myth, and if you think a single example in 4 years is anything impressive, it just proves how thirsty you are.

I posted an entire fucking list. The letters in blue will send you to another website with that list if you click it. It's amazing what they've done for internet formatting these days.

Don't bother, he's one of the many trolls whose entire purpose on Lemmy is to shit on biden

your list only goes back 2.5 years; here's a tip of the iceberg of a list that goes back MUCH longer with the first including a reference to a pro-gay politician in 1984:

biden voted against gay marriage

biden voted against gays in the military

biden affirmed his stance on anti-gay marriage in 2006

biden supported banning gays in federal service eg executive order 10450

Man you keep missing the point of looking at the current administration.

Go take your break before Putin sends you to the gulag.

i hope you enjoy your blue-maga kool-aid

thirsty is the right word; biden has spent all except the last 2.5 years as an influential anti-gay politician and hearing him called the most pro-gay president ever is heart breaking as someone who has had to live with his anti-gay policies and votes.

The problem with getting all your news from social media is that when you surround yourself with people who only share the one kind of news, you don’t get all of the other news that is very important.

As other people are saying to you, all you have to do is look for it and you will find a list of the pro-lgbt actions this administration has done.

The problem with getting all your news from social media is that when you surround yourself with people who only share the one kind of news, you don’t get all of the other news that is very important.

As other people are saying to you, all you have to do is look for it and you will find a list of the pro-lgbt actions this administration has done.

likewise, all you have to do is look for it and you'll find a much longer list of biden's anti-lgbt actions.

Name one.

Good thing one single person isn’t running the country. What has he done while president?

What has he done while president?

how about enabling and turning a blind eye to an ongoing genocide?

or failing to make good on his campaign promises while he and his party was in control of both the house & senate?

or weaponizing the law to force striking workers to get back to work?

or banning a social media company and cheap electric cars to please his aipac and automotive donors and using the guise of national security to do so?

No, regarding LGBT. That’s the topic.

Also, most of what you said is either untrue or opinion.

If you’re going to throw shit, don’t manipulate the truth. December 2022, he signed legislation that imposed a labor agreement to avert a national railroad strike. This action effectively prevented the strike but did not force workers back to work, as the strike had not yet begun.

No tiktok ban. No car tax.

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Weren't you just criticizing someone for invalidating your experiences? That's exactly what you're doing right now to the person above.

If they say shit is much better for them and their loved ones right now, don't say they're just pretending that's the case. If you want to be respected for saying things are personally no better for you, don't tell someone else they're just pretending if they say things are better for them now.

Otherwise you just come off as an incredibly disingenuous asshole.

Weren't you just criticizing someone for invalidating your experiences?

No, that’s what you’re doing. Hypocrite.

What I was doing is calling out obvious, self-serving bullshit that has no evidentiary basis. I am not to blame if you are in capable of differentiating those two things. The pain you feel from such mental gymnastics? That’s an indication that you’re doing something unfit and wrong.

Take your irrational anger out on someone else. Start with those who are the blame, not just who is in front of you. That’s what children do.

You should take your own advice instead of screeching at everyone. I must admit though, you're quite right, my head does hurt from reading your awful mental gymnastics.

Don't you think your constant rage at everyone is a sign here that you're doing something hypocritical and wrong?

I'm guessing probably not, but people have come to epiphanies of self growth from even less likely situations.

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