The upside-down American flag goes mainstream as a form of right-wing protest to politics – 177 points –

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Isn’t flying the flag upside down against the US Flag code? Then again, so is turning it into clothing IIRC.

These people believe that the law protects but does not bind them.

Also, technically the Flag Code isn't the law. Not that that occurred to them when people were using it for progressive protests.

I'm sure to some sovcits out there, flag code is as sacred as maritime law from 200 years ago.

You have to accept these pieces of paper I printed out instead of me paying off my credit card debt because I invoke USC 420.69 Hocus Pocus Debt Begonus.

I had to laugh when I was talking to some young con at my university who was beside himself that someone....gasp!....burned a flag on campus in protest. He thought whoever burned it should be in prison.

I first asked him - what about the First Amendment? He didn't GAF - not "that kind" of free speech, that's too far! I asked him if he knew what the proper disposal of a flag was? I told him the right way was to BURN it, and so what should happen to those people who are disposing of flags under this new law he wanted that banned burning of flags? He didn't believe me and was aghast that I'd even say such a thing. LOL.

I also asked him what he thought should happen to old shirts, shoes, and every other random item the flag is plastered all over - if someone tosses those in the trash, and they get incinerated, who goes to jail for that? At this point, he was kinda worn out...

They never think their gonzo opinions through to their logical conclusions.

For the clothing thing, Isn't the rule just that you can't turn a flag into clothing. You're allowed to make clothes with patterns from flags as long as the material didn't come from a flag.

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