United Airlines passengers to see targeted ads on seat-back screens

Wilshire@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 799 points –
United Airlines passengers to see targeted ads on seat-back screens

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They did what?

"The incident is widely characterized by critics as an example of mishandled customer service."

Made me laugh, that's putting it lightly..

“The incident is widely characterized by critics as an example of mishandled manhandled customer service.”

Just a typo.

Holy shit what a ride that was.

It's clear from a lot of stories like this (severe customer mistreatment) that United employees are miserable people who hate their jobs but this is nuts. I hope Dr. Dao got a huge settlement from United.

Is United Express actually United? I thought those tended to be a regional carrier using the name under license.

I'd expect the labour friction to be still worse; I was peripherally involved with such a firm 20 years ago and know they had terrible problems with staff retention, mostly because they wouldn't pay enough to retain people after they got fed up with the free-standby-flight privileges.

United is Four Seasons compared to American.

Wow. Even Trump thought they went too far. Damn.

And the CEO who brushed that assault off ‘suffered’ a ‘delayed promotion’. Poor thing. For saying that stuff about anyone, let alone a customer, he should have been fired, no golden parachute.

I think the doctor’s patients should have sued the airline too, since no doubt having their doctor pounded to a pulp caused them to miss their appointments.