US involved in Israeli operation in Nuseirat that killed over 200 Palestinians to World – 182 points –
US involved in Israeli operation in Nuseirat which killed 150 Palestinians

The Israeli military had US support in rescuing four captives from Gaza in a "complex daytime operation" in Nuseirat that killed over 200 Palestinians.

A US official told Axios that the US hostages cell in Israel had "supported" the effort to rescue the captives.

The Palestinian government media office in Gaza said the death toll from Israel's attack on central Gaza had reached at least 210, with 400 more wounded.

"The occupation has annihilated the Nuseirat refugee camp. Innocent and unarmed civilian were bombed in their homes. I've never seen anything like this. It's a catastrophe," local Nidal Abdo told Middle East Eye.

"I came from the camp to here in the hospital on foot. I can't describe how we fled. I saw dead children and body parts strewn all over as we fled. No one was able to assist them. I saw an elderly man killed on a animal-drawn cart.

"Nuseirat was being annihilated. It was hell."

It said: "American participation in the criminal operation that was carried out today proves once again the complicit role of the American administration, its full participation in the war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip, [and] the falsity of its declared positions on the humanitarian situation and its concern for the lives of civilians."


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I wonder how the four hostages feel that their rescue involved the murdering of dozens of women and children on the same day.

I would hope they have the empathy to feel guilty about that, but considering what the general Israeli poster (and Israeli population member, based on polls) is like, I doubt they view Palestinians as human.

Or like Ekaterina Shulman said about polls in Russia related to politics and war: "Average person when asked a question thinks «What do I think? I think same as others. What others think? They think what was said on TV»".

Man, I don't know how I could stomach that guilt. Knowing that your rescue came at the cost of many more innocent civilians killed and wounded, including children. I don't think I'd be able to look at any of the victims who survived in the face, let alone grieving family.

What's really twisted is it isn't the hostages' faults either that all those people died. I don't know if I'd even blame the kidnappers for those deaths. Surely the IDF could've done more to prevent civilian deaths.

It would take a monstrous person to not feel considerable guilt after this. I guess we'll find out the type of person these hostages are.

Feel guilty for getting captured by one set of murdering lunatics and then freed by another set? Why? What was their misdeed? Going to a concert? Surviving a massacre?

It's called Survivor's Guilt. It may not be rational, but emotions often aren't. And yes, they're likely to wind up with it for both surviving the October 7th raid AND for the deaths in the raid that freed them. Along with all sorts of other trauma related mental health issues.

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