Donald Trump to Las Vegas rally attendees: "I don't care about you" to politics – 149 points –
Donald Trump to Las Vegas rally attendees: "I don't care about you"

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Can you explain to me how this is a joke?

His audience laughed because they're dumb. But to me, this looks like the negging thing where you anticipate being called out for your insult and say "It's a joke. It's just a joke!"

Seems like just a straight up ploy for free publicity. He needs (craves) media attention, and saying outrageous things is his favorite way of getting to the top of the 24 hour news cycle.

Sometimes, I forget how awful Trump is.

He can say true truly outrageous things and then somehow have them written off as less important than they really are because the media reports on it.

I mean, regardless, the reason he says shit like that is so he can later point to the media and say "look what they're saying about me," and his cultists lap it up. It doesn't really matter much if he meant it or not.

He's always on about how much the media hates him, so it'd be right in character as a way to troll them, and it's an easy click bait headline. He may not be that concerned with the people, but it'd be a bad look to gather a bunch of people in dangerous conditions to let them die of heat stroke.