People born in the year 2000 don't have to try and calculate how old they are when people ask them their age to – 587 points –

I was born in 1989 and the math is HARD some days.


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Do you guys not remember how old you are year to year? Are you frequently calculating your age from your birth year instead of just adding 1 to it on your birthday?

I always thought it was nuts that people don't remember, then I turned 30 and got married to someone who has a birthday less than a year before mine. Now I have two ages to remember (that are sometimes the same) and it takes a second for me to remember which is me when asked.

It's not about your age difference. It's just hitting 30. My wife is 5 years younger than me and I couldn't tell you how old either of us are

a birthday less than a year before mine

This took me far too long to understand

Yes! Preach! This is me too. And in addition to being poor at maths I'm also not articulate so I just end up looking goofy when trying to figure out which age is me.

That's exactly when I started having trouble remembering. 30 was a milestone, but now I have to think for a few seconds before answering.

I find that the older I get, the less I discuss or think about my age throughout the year so it gets more difficult to remember. Also, my birthday is in January so it's over pretty quickly and I don't tend to think about it again while I'm busy thinking about my 4 kids birthdays that are coming up, instead!

I’m guessing you are younger than 40.

No, I'm mid-40's, but I usually don't forget my age. LOL. Although a couple of months ago someone asked how old I am and I said I was 10 years younger than I actually am. I didn't realize what I had done until the next day.

Got to tell you, friend... birthdays don't matter that much after you're a few decades down the road. Just another day closer to death, but maybe you get to go out to a nice restaurant.