Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetingslocked

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 568 points –
Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings

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What do you think Trump will do differently?

If you're a single issue voter and still voting for the worst of those two options you're a baffoon.

Will not support this. Do better next time. No, there is no argument that can justify support for those who fund it.

OK, so you think Trump will bring peace to Isreal. Got it.

You have to vote for Joe Biden because he also won't bring peace to Israel


So what message do you think your actually sending?

That I will never, ever support a pro-genocide candidate.


So you're not voting? Or are you for some hack grifter like West?

I'll be voting in a way that most clearly sends the message to the Democrats why they lost my vote, which is voting Uncommitted for the presidential.

I am lucky enough to have a progressive running as a state rep to unseat a Republican so I'll be turning out for their sake mainly.

I'm sure the Democrats will consider your message carefully as Trump starts bombing those brown kids.

Parties cater to voters, not to non-voters. If the voters chose Trump, they will move towards his policies, including on Israel. You will achieve the opposite of what you want.

But I'm sure the Palestinians will appreciate the hollow gesture.

I can understand your principles, but the world, and specifically the US election system, doesn't give a shit about them. Not voting always results in the party you dislike most gaining an advantage. That is the net result of your actions.

Hold your nose if you must, but Palestinians can't afford a Republican president. Biden, for all his many faults, at least pushes for a peace.

I’m sure the Democrats will consider your message carefully as Trump starts bombing those brown kids.

Biden is already supplying all the bombs and bullets Israel needs, there's nothing worse Trump can do in this regard. US bombs are already killing Gazans and the Biden admin has shown no serious attempts at ending the genocide, the question is what kind of future conditions can be created within the Demicratic party to deter them from continuing to field pro-genocide candidates.

Unfortunately neoliberals have guarunteed this problem has no quick fix.

Parties cater to voters, not to non-voters.

Which is why you're all so keen to suppress and deny the uncommitted vote, and instead continually try to reframe it as if people are simply staying home.

I vote reliably. Just never for genocide supporters. I'll submit a blank ballot if necessary to avoid that.

I can understand your principle

This is clearly a lie. You neither have principles nor understand their purpose. If someone is flexible on genocide support they're flexible on literally anything.

It's only a matter of time before you're operating in a frame where your practical policy positions are as extreme right as MAGA is in now and they've moved on to some other even more unimaginable extreme. It's already happening with immigration; Biden's anti-asylum schtick is literally indistinguishable from what Trump attempted during his term and was denied bybthe courts as illegal.

Hold your nose if you must, but Palestinians can’t afford a Republican president. Biden, for all his many faults, at least pushes for a peace.

No. He doesn't. 50,000 starving children and 30,000 dead Gazans killed with US supplied weapons stand as testament to that. The only way the decades long genocide of Palestinians ends is if the Democratic party is coerced by their constituents into ending their support of it. Genocide needs to be a non-starter within the democratic ranks before anyone can pretend to be discussing real solutions to what the far right Israeli regime is doing.

I will be voting uncommitted for president. There isn't much Biden can do about that at this point, he lost his window to prove he cares about peace or even sees Palestians as human beings. Only slim chance is reform of the future DNC to try and prompt them to stop moving to the right, they're not equipped the face Israel right now.

There's nothing worse Trump can do??? With all due respect, but that sounds horribly naive. I fear you do not understand the real-world consequences of your non-vote here. Trump will come to power, and he'll give Israel carte-blanche in Gaza, and possibly even provide direct military support (e.g. US soldiers on the ground or US airstrikes to provide support). The casualties will start racking up much faster than they do now. A Trump presidency allows Israel to go full mask-off.

In a two-party system, not voting isn't an option. You risk giving power to the most pro-genocide candidate here. It sucks massive balls but it is the reality of the US electoral system. Your principles make a full-on genocide more likely to happen.

There's a peace plan brokered by Biden that's been accepted by Israel and that Hamas appears to be receptive to. It would end the genocide happening immediately. Trump is unlikely to make such efforts.

Your non-vote will further the genocide. That's reality. I hope your principles can cope with that.

Trump will come to power, and he’ll give Israel carte-blanche in Gaza

They have cart-blanche right now under Biden. Him mumbling vaguely about a red line means nothing.

They're already using US bombs, what do the Gazans care if it falls out of an American plane to? Maybe if we write on the side "This is a Republican-sent bomb" that'll absolve Democrats, huh?

Israel has refused every ceasefire proposal that has come up because they think anything but the destructions of Hamas (and impossibility without killing everyone in Gaza) is the only way they save face.

The logistics of how Trump continuee enabling Israel don't really interest me. If Biden wants to prove he's resisting the genocide he needs to materially prove it with sanctions and aid withdrawl. Wringing his hands isn't cutting it.

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So you instead choose even more of that with Donald. Or you are saying the Muslim bans and "finish the job" won't lead to ramping up the attacks? The Christian nationalist heading Congress isn't looking to start the apocalypse and rapture? Lindsey Graham isn't saying Israel should nuke Gaza and that the US did nothing wrong in Hiroshima?

Maybe that will be enough to shock neoliberals awake as to the reality of what they'redealing with, maybe not, but it's the only shot we've got. We can't afford any more lesser evil, we've reached rock bottom with this genocide.

We're not just backsliding slowly, we're at the bottom of the hill.

Shocking neoliberals awake will do fuckall when they are living under a dictatorship that a (I know you're confused by this concept) Repub-appointed SCOTUS is considering granting a Long Knife to.

There will be more genocide and more war. There will be nothing at all anyone can do since the "let's get the National Guard in" and "deport these protesters to Gaza" guys will be in charge.

We are literally in a comment section discussing the Repub candidate wanting to execute people over whatever slights. Please get a clue. No, it is not as bad as it could be.

They might finally actually admit it's a dictatorship and start behaving accordingly.

But yeah, they could cling to their denial. That's already happening right now though. The shock still has a better chance than the slow boil though, slim a chance as it is neoliberals will ever wake up.

That's so delusional. "Sure, it will become a full Christofascist theocracy, but people might become aware of that, so it is better." You have childish hot takes on the matter.

How is it childish? What's more dangerous; a public that sliwly acclimates to fascism or one that is shocked into action at its immediacy?

All you have to offer is more slow decline. That's the opposite of what I want. This conversation kind of demonstrates why the only hail-mary left is shocking you guys back to reality. It's literally the only option you've left anti-fascists.

You made your position clear that you want a fast decline and permanent Christofascist theocracy. Then what are you going to do? Let's assume the neolibs are woken up. They are not going to be La Resistance, they are going to be Good Germans.

It's galling that you're talking about shocking other people back to reality. It will be harder to push left under the dictatorship, especially after they start executing leftists.

"You guys say every election is the end of days," again, we are literally in the comments section discussing the Repub candidate who has been expressing his desire to do political executions.

Ah there it is, if it’s not “Both Sides”, “or voting doesn’t matter”, it’s “we need to burn it all down”.

What a ridiculously stupid take. You’re absolutely privileged if you can even think that is a viable option.

Fuck off with that bullshit.

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Bet it’ll be FAR worse if you get your way and Trump is elected. But along with it being worse, you can say goodbye to the LGBTQ+ and any body autonomy women have remaining.

You have NO idea what’s going on here. They’re playing with live ammo buddy. This isn’t a joke.

Women and lgbt people are already losing their rights. I think it's you who've lost your way.

Look again at what your "lesser evil" is doing. Where it's gotten us. You've literally been pushed so far to the right that you're here defending the deliberate starvation of tens of thousands of children. You're completely politically and morally disoriented.

That's you. That's the fruit of your support right there in that image. Go ahead and justify it to yourself however you want when you cast a vote, it doesn't change the reality of what you're saying is acceptable for Democrats to support.

So name someone better. Come on now, you pulled me up to the pump… let’s get some gas now! Name a candidate. Who can win that will have both the power AND authority to end your genocide?

Come on. I’m sure you have ideas. You can’t be here ONLY to stop people from voting….


I'd vote for a literal inert carbon rod over a corporate AIPAC democrat.

The bar is not high.

So edgy. We’re done. You admitted to being here to troll.

Huh? I named someone better than a pro-genocide candidate; a literal inanimate object. Unfortunately the DNC has not left us with any electable options, only an old far right genocide supporter.

How is that trolling? Biden is helping starve tens of thousands of kids. That's a fact. You might support that, I do not, you can't rhetorically trick me into thinking that's ok. You understand that, right?

I said we’re done. It’s clear why you’re here.

The hubris is incredible. No amount if declaring a thing will make it true.

We'll be "dOnE hErE" when neolibs stop fielding AIPAC stooges and funding a genocide. You won't be able to hide from reality until that happens, then we can all go back to your right-wing lesser of two evils bs.

So you’ll vote for Trump. Come out and say it you absolute coward. Come out and say you want Trump to win without pretending you’re some faux-intellectual.

Go plant 🌻🌻

Women and lgbt people are already losing their rights.

Repub SCOTUS is the Dem's fault, classic.

The Dems are just as complicit for not acknowledging or addressing the danger we were in from the Federalist society. First I heard of the plan to capture the courts was almost twenty years ago, people were warning about it, neolibs refused to treat it as a real threat.

Instead we got idiots thinking they could rely on "decorum" and tradition, on patting their Repub colleagues on the ass like it's a baseball game, instead of admitting what we already knew; the right is fully fascist and out for blood.

The loss of the court is the fault of every single dipshit neolib who chose to believe that the courts weren't a political arm, that they were actually non-partisan. It's the fault of Ginsberg for arrogantly clinging to power despite being sick for years. It's the fault of Democrats for refusing even now to entertain the possibility of packing the court or trying to implement term limits on justices by cycling them out to other federal positions.

They were too busy sucking corporate dick, protecting the status quo and sabotaging progressives like Sanders because he wanted functional healthcare and to take away their binky of lobby money to even see what was happening around them, let alone organize a resistance to it.

The blind greed and deliberate incompetence of Democrats makes them complicit.

It's the fault of Ginsberg and the Dems that McConnell blocked appointments, good job. You are very intelligent.

In a way, yeah. But the word I used was complicit.

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