16 Nobel economists see a Trump inflation bomb

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 66 points –

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Most of Trump's followers are smarter then sixteen Nobel prize-winning economists.

You forgot the /s sarcasm indcator.

…there’s something… different… about Natalie Portman in this scene… hmmm… can’t figure out what tit is though…

Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump's followers are dumber than rocks. They are a bunch of globalist bootlickers who think drinking bleach cures covid but the vaccine created by scientists does not.

Qfuckwads, Pizzafuckwads, Birtherfuckwads, Sandyhookfuckwads, and Start the Steal fuckwads all prove that conservatives are people who love to be lied to. Imagine how pathetic you have to be when you hope people lie to you?

It's better than being a liberal.

Troll harder

If you'd recognize the username... he IS the troll account lol

Honestly, not really. He's got way too many r/rimjob_steve moments for me to believe trolling is his goal most of the time. (Obviously right now he's trolling though, of course.)

LoL, no.


Their receipt of a Nobel Prize?

They follow trump. Clear indicator that they're fucking morons.

You've made an outrageous assertion without proof. I can dismiss it without proof.

Oh, okay.

So you literally have no proof. You just made an assertion, to see how people would respond. SMCF, will you abandon your trolly behavior?

Just because I believe different things then you doesn’t mean I’m a troll.

It's not your beliefs, bur rather your trolly behavior, which by the statement above, I believe indicates your are in fact acting as a troll. Tho' I hold out the possibility that you could abandon those trolly behaviors, if you chose to do so. I'm not entirely sure you believe the statement I've called out as trolly. If you had some belief in that area, you might have also evidence to support that belief. Do you also, as you state you do, have beliefs for which there is no evidence? Maybe you shouldn't "believe everything you think."

If the economists all had IQs of 200 their combined IQ would be 3200.

If the followers all had IQs of 1 you’d be looking at 70 million.

Which is the bigger number?

See, you almost escaped trollism. You've presented evidence in favor of a stated position. And you trolled everyone in this post on the way to something you could have stated in the original comment. With a little practic SMCF, I believe in you, you could do it. Time will tell how you choose.