2024 could be world’s hottest year as June breaks records

schizoidman@lemmy.ml to World News@lemmy.world – 290 points –
2024 could be world’s hottest year as June breaks records

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Theres no flipping records being broken here, hottest June ! My arse..

Are you saying recorded temperatures are being made up?

No, I'm saying that "here", it certainly wasn't the hottest June on record...

So which planet are you commenting from?

No he is talking about his own roughly 48km^2^ area.

Ignoring the fact that the earth is just slightly larger at 510,064,472 km^2^

Ahhh so its been the hottest June within someone else's 48km2 patch...got it, thanks 👍🏻

The GLOBAL average is hottest on record. As in, if you take ALL recorded temperatures EVERYWHERE and average them together to get the GLOBAL temperature, it's breaking records

It says right there in the post title, "World's".

To be fair, it looks like you're in Wales. The best you can hope for is "slightly less rainy".