What bizarre misconceptions do people have about your field?

communism@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 86 points –

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That IT people can pretty much fix anything like TVs, HVACs, stoves, water heaters, fridges, toasters, rice cookers, and many more.

Just because we work in tech, doesn't mean we can deal with every technology known to mankind.

And no, we're not certified electricians.

I think that comes from the fact that a lot of people got into computers by learning to take apart and fix things like that.

That, and the general populace has fuck all for troubleshooting skills.

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I had a lady I was helping with tech support ask me about her lightbulbs. I just told her I didn’t know the answer. She said “well you should know, it’s electronic.”

TVs, HVACs, stoves, water heaters, fridges, toasters, rice cookers,

Lol, rocket scientists wept

As a certified electrician, this logic also works the other way. I wire things. I don't know why your PC won't boot. Yes your computer uses electricity, but this is not my professional forté.

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