Thomas Matthew Crooks: The registered Republican and gun lover who shot Trump to politics – 537 points –
Thomas Matthew Crooks: The registered Republican and gun lover who shot Trump

The shooter was 12 when Trump was first elected. archive


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He could be a dyed-in-the-wool GOP for six generations with no connections to any Left organization whatever.

He'll be branded as a woke Antifa with a Black trans GF who was brain washed with peyote by a Native Shaman at a Liberal college.

Article says he was registered republican, but donated $15 to a grassroots democratic group shortly after the capitol riot, so.. there you go.

There's a political organizer with the same name a few counties over. In 2021 the shooter was 17, and not legally able to donate in PA.

I had a friend that was a die hard Bernie Sanders fan until Trump became relevant. He turned to a qanon following psycho that pushed away everyone close to him.

Speaking of finances, I'd like to know how much he lost to trumps scams. I'm just impatient, that will (or won't) be discovered in the investigation

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CNN reported that he registered Rep, but made donations to Dem. Of course that was right after it happened so plenty of room for your

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