Get a Grip, Democrats. You Can Still Win This | Washington Monthly to politics – 420 points –
Get a Grip, Democrats. You Can Still Win This | Washington Monthly

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Then name a name.

Who has that kind of charisma and name recognition, with no baggage, that they can storm in like the Koolaid man and take this election?

No? Yeah, I didn't think so. You have been shitting on Biden every thread, even non-Biden related posts, for this entire election year and have never offered an alternative.

You'd have to be blind not to see the news articles dropping names for the past few weeks.






Generic Democrat

Even Harris polls better than Biden

Whitmer, Shaprio, Walz, Buttigieg all don't have the nationwide name recognition needed to hit the ground running with so little time before elections.

Newsom only has name recognition because the Right has been demonizing him for years because they recognized him as a threat. We'd just have a repeat of Hillary.

I'm not saying that these wouldn't make decent candidates in a normal Primary time frame. But it would spell disaster to pivot to any of these candidates this late in the race.

Four months is not "so little time". And I agree that Shapiro and Walz have branding issues, but 4 months, the entire news media and DNC war chest would be enough to solve that. Newsom doesn't have nearly the baggage Hillary had either. Hillary had baggage going back to 1992. Newsom has baggage from ~5 years ago? At that point there's no one qualified to run, not even Biden.

It's short enough time that a new nominee would literally be disqualified from the ballot in some states.

The only state that requires certification before the convention is Ohio. A state we aren't counting on and have little to no chance to win unless we suddenly run Reagan 2.0.

There's 49 other states that would still be in play, including all of the normal blue states and swing states.

Ohio even passed a special exception to extend the deadline to after the convention, though it's unclear from the news I read whether there might be some risk of it being overturned by the court if Democrats needed it.

Oh I don't think anyone is really depending on Ohio to keep its word on that. But there's definitely a cursed timeline where Harris is the nominee out of the convention, Ohio withdraws their promise, and Democrats get close enough with a write in campaign that it's plausible she would have taken Ohio. Cue more political violence.

At any rate I'm sure that has no chance of happening in our timeline, none whatsoever. Definitely not.

Well, they did pass the law. It's just whether it can be invalidated in courts because they poisoned it with a provision to bar permanent residents (green card holders) from contributing to campaigns, which is likely unconstitutional. In a normal world, the individual ban would be thrown out, as it doesn't really have anything to do with ballot registration, but there's little reason to think the Supreme Court wouldn't rule in a way that disadvantages Democrats.

This is a lie. It's been a lie, and you should know better by now rather than repeating it.

Literally true. In Ohio for sure that I'm aware of

Nope, it's a lie. The date to appear on the Ohio ballot is still in the future. A new candidate could appear on it without issue.

I'll let some shit slide, but you just keep doubling down here

The properly-completed and signed forms must be filed no later than 4 p.m. on December 20, 2023 with the Ohio Secretary of State’s Elections Division.

Reporting you for misinformation.

That's for primary candidates. Maybe actually read the source you're quoting before you "double down". There are no states with requirements that would prevent a new candidate from appearing on the general election ballot.

Reporting you for misinformation.

Fucking LOL. Hears some trivia on social media that reinforces his biases and doesn't wonder why no legitimate sources point it out as a problem and then jumps to calling the mods for "misinformation" when his wrong fact is rejected.

There are no states with requirements that would prevent a new candidate from appearing on the general election ballot.

What as a fucking independent? As a "minor political party"? (deadline for those is Aug 7 btw)

The deadline has passed for anyone other than Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee, and the deadline is rapidly approaching for ANYONE to be on the ballot, of any party.

I suppose the DNC could just nullify all its own rules and send a different candidate to the Secretary of State within the next 3 weeks. How well do you think that would play over? "DNC rigs its own process to force through [candidate name here]".

What the fuck are you talking about? There is no Democrat specified in any sort of rules or paperwork for Ohio. The Democratic nominee is decided by the delegates. They have a deadline for submission, but not one that in any way has locked in Joe Biden. Joe Biden could withdraw or release his delegates and we could have a different candidate with no issue whatsoever.

Amazing how you keep at this after being embarrassingly wrong about your first justification. You're somehow committed to try to keep making a procedural argument despite being wrong about the rules you thought caused the problem. You just smoothly move on to an entirely different objection without ever recognizing that you were the one spreading misinformation. I thought misinformation was a bad thing that was important to combat, but somehow I see no edits, no mea culpas, no clearing up that you were spreading it. How are you not embarrassed?

How well do you think that would play over? “DNC rigs its own process to force through [candidate name here]”.

Notice you didn't address that. And after all the left's pearl clutching about "the DNC rigged the election!!! To stop Bernie!!" now you want them to do just that. Hah.

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Cory Doctorow.


I'm entirely serious. The Republicans can rally around a criminal billionaire and still expect to take the white house, so why can't the Democrats run an intellectual Canadian? I trust the guy that coined the term "enshittification" a whole lot more than the politicians who have been enabling it, anyhow.

If you're "entirely serious" in the literal sense, just to be super clear the answer to "why can’t the Democrats run an intellectual Canadian?" is that a Canadian is disqualified from the office of the President in the Constitution. Unfortunately, they didn't think to prohibit megalomaniac felons. That's apparently on us. :(

The writers of the 14th Amendment did, but for some reason they figured the president didnt need to be called out specifically in the final draft; probably figured it was obvious the president is an officer of the state. But well, we know how scotus took that

The sad thing is, I do think you're serious, and it speaks to the overarching theme of REALLY REALLY STUPID voters this election, on both sides.

Then maybe it's time for you to admit that there's nothing Democratic about elections in this country and to start treating them with the contempt that they deserve.

Elections don't exist to pick leaders, that's a mere side effect of their real purpose: the reification of the implied consent of the governed.

I trust the guy that coined the term "enshittification" a whole lot more than the politicians who have been enabling it, anyhow.

Cool so he has your vote. Who else? As expected the people who want Biden to bail at the 11th hour have no actionable plan.

The problem with demanding "actionable plans" is that the only person who could enact them is the DNC chairperson, who currently reports to the incumbent.

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