JD Vance opposes military aid, NATO membership for Ukraine. He's now Trump's VP pick

breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca to World News@lemmy.world – 710 points –
JD Vance opposes military aid, NATO membership for Ukraine. He's now Trump's VP pick

Vance is one of Trump's most vocal supporters and an outspoken critic of U.S. aid to Ukraine.

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Vance has said that it would be "completely irresponsible" for Ukraine to join NATO. He has also argued for the U.S. to focus solely on preventing Chinese expansion, even if that means sacrificing sovereign Ukrainian lands to Russia.

"Any peace settlement is going to require some significant territorial concessions from Ukraine, and you're gonna have a peace deal, because that's the only way out of the conflict," Vance said in February.



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NATO should have been dissolved with the Warsaw Pact. Its nothing more that the European arm of US imperialism

Good thing it wasn’t as Putin has shown Russia is still a threat to innocent nations who aren’t protected by NATO membership.

NATO has already told Ukraine they will not get NATO membership because they are too corrupt. The exact same rhetoric that every nation on Earth called Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion.

Gee, I wonder if there were any major shake-ups in the Ukrainian government circa 2014 that could have explained this change in tune.

Ukraine wasn't able to join NATO because of active territorial disputes regarding Russia's 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea. The 2022 invasion and intervening Russian-backed fighting in Donestk and Luhansk were naked imperial land grabs trying to force Ukraine back into the Russian sphere of influence despite their democratic processes repeatedly trying to move towards the EU.

Or in simpler terms, imperialism is actually still bad when Russia does it and it's weird that you don't seem to understand that.

democratic processes

"Democracic processes," you mean seizing power through force in a coup and then banning major opposition parties.

Even Yanukovich had been trying to push for EU membership, AKA the guy who was the target of the so-called coup you're bitching about. He had to shift gears when Putin's attitude changed and he could no longer split the two, but the whole "euro" part of Euro Maidan was about the sudden shift away from the EU.

Cool. Corruption is inheritance from russia and nomenclatura.

Are we liking them facts?

So because they are corrupt they have to surrender to Russia and the West isn’t allowed to help them defend themselves? That’s like saying that a person deserves to get shot by the police just because he has a criminal record.

Also the EU already approved Ukraine’s candidate status for accession and accession negotiations officially opened this year. So if Ukraine does things right they will be a member of the EU in ten years give or take. Guess what article 42.7 in the Treaty of Lisbon is. It’s a mutual defensive clause. So end of the day they wil be protected by the bloc whether they are a NATO member or not.

Go away

I'm not going anywhere. I will call out US imperialism and colonialism every chance that I get and I will stand against anybody defending that imperialism.

Russia invades its neighbour, unprovoked, explicitly to seize their agreed sovereign territory

"Why would America do this?"

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Though your misinformation campaign is off to a VERY good start, I’m afraid that it bodes badly for anyone taking you seriously enough to consider anything you say as resembling a point, let alone a good one.

My favorite was when you tried to say that Pelosi and Schiff demanded that Biden step down, and when I proved you wrong with direct quotes-

You ran away.

I didnt think I ever said anything about Schiff or Pelosi, and after going over my history I was right. If you have not caught on I could not care less what someone else thinks of me.

Ahhhh… right. That wasn’t you. I get you all confused. Same message, same….


It was you though, that admitted you were here to disrupt an election. Haven’t forgotten that part.

And it’s just as stupid.

The disrupting election bullshit is your terminology. I'm simply telling people they don't have to vote for a fascist. They should feel entitled to vote who they want to see in government. They should not feel trapped into a duopoly that does not represent their interests

Oh come on now… don’t try and paint over it. What you said was:

I actively encourage anyone to withhold a vote from Trump or Biden

Actively- Encourage.

You are urging people to NOT to vote.


No one should vote for biden. If Biden had repeated everything he's already done throughout his career, but as a Republican, liberals would hate everything he's done. And rightfully so. But he's given a pass because of that D.

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Without NATO we'd have said bye bye to Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and maybe Poland

Remember, if russia does it, it is NOT:

  1. Facist.
  2. Imperialism.

The irony of someone with the handle anticolonialist spouting talking points in favour of an imperialist land grab where they are literally creating colonies of Russians along the corridor of Ukrainian land between Russia and Crimea is just beautiful.

No one is supporting anything like that. If the US would stay out of everyone else's business the world would be a much better place

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