What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 337 points –

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When cutting onions, set the cutting board on the stove and turn on the extractor fan. No more tears!

I worked at a factory that produced food with onion as one of the main ingredients. The best trick was to breathe with the mouth. Breathing with my nose would always make my eyes cry.

Chill the onion before cutting will helps too, either put it in the fridge or put it in a tub of ice water.

So does rinsing the onion slices. I slice a ring off, rinse the ring, & then chop.

Hold a teaspoon in your mouth while you do it (upside down so you don't poke yourself in the eye or whatever works best). Nullifies it instantly.

Wearing those little eyeball-sized swim goggles works too.

Wearing those silly cartoon eyeball glasses doesn't work but other people probably won't notice you're crying