What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 337 points –

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Using "≈" and "≠" sign on internet text.
These are literally long press options on the "=" key.

What about on desktop?

I hit the Compose key and then =/ gives , but I don't seem to be able to enter . For that and more obscure characters I'd open Emacs and run insert-char.

It's just compose ~ ~ (tilde tilde). The compose key sequences are often the most logical thing you can think of. Emacs C-x 8 is good but you have to try and guess the unicode name of the character.

‽ is also important

Traditional chess literature has "!? = questionable move". Is this the same thing?

It's the interrobang. It literally means "?!" Like WTF?! But in one symbol. It mattered when "cost per letter" or typesetting spacing mattered. I still like it and use it often enough. As for chess, honestly, yeah, it could be used for that.

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