Tanker carrying Russian oil to China attacked by Houthi sea drone

BombOmOm@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 368 points –
Tanker carrying Russian oil to China attacked by Houthi sea drone

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100,000 tons of crude. Who's responsible for mopping this around for PR before it finally sinks to the bottom?

I wouldn't hold your breath. "People waiting to be saved in the Middle East" is a long list, and I assume the seabirds are low down.

What is a typical rate of actual recovery after an oil spill?

There's an even longer list of "people not waiting anymore to be saved in the Middle East", where entries are usually permanent.

I don't think it sinks. I think it floats until it ends up on a coast somewhere.

I was just thinking of all the tar balls and tar logs and polluted animal life sinking into the abyss, but generally, yea, I think it does just wash up places.

Who's going to try and risk getting sunk by a drone or a missile?

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