[Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency

Thekingoflorda@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 1030 points –

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Absolutely they will. When the gEnOciDe stopped working/got boring, they switched to- oLd!

Give it a day, they’ll have their reasons not to vote for her too.

Someone already replied to me saying that unless the Democrats produce a "non genocide-loving candidate," don't vote for them.

conveniently making room for the one candidate who probably does love a genocide

And not just genocide overseas. Trump has made his position on immigrants and queer people very clear. And if anyone thinks 'immigrants' won't include brown people that are native-born citizens who don't happen to have the right ID on them, you're wrong.

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Of course they did. Because MAGA won’t be happy until there are no democratic voters.

No democracy either. They want an authoritarian dictatorship because they don't believe they'll be the ones hurt by it.

Bots bots and more bots. I assume all of that garbage is coming from a room full of shoulder to shoulder ruskies

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