Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy to politics – 549 points –
Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy | CNN Politics

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You can't .ml Biden committing Genocide away no matter how hard you try.

So, serious question: Do you only step up to defend other countries, or are the people in the U.S., where I assume you live, also on the agenda for the evening? Cause yeah, Genocide is pretty shit. Evil even.

What about the black communities?


Native American?




And the larger issue of fucking fascism that leads to precisely what you're so stuck yelling about blindly?

Here's what I think: Most of you are parrots. Actual sentient wagons transformed into people. Many of you don't have many details, you kneejerk on issues that cannot be approached from any other angle than "Yeah, of course I agree" and challenge everyone who doesn't immediately bow with "YOU SUPPORT GENOCIDE?!" as if you're the seagulls from Finding Nemo. Now maybe I'm wrong. Maybe YOU stand more often. If so, why stand with the crowd who will move on when the next big thing happens?

Never, EVER, remove support for the greater good when the greater evil guarantees more suffering. Otherwise all you're doing is becoming a part of the problem.

You can look at their history and see that since October they've basically commented or posted about anything else. It's several times a day they are canvassing for "Palestine" ie. Trump.

Of course i do. Which is why I will never support someone complicit in Genocide. Unlike the people enabling Fascism.

Your track record seems to have zero criticism of Republicans, when we know Trump would be far worse in supporting Israeli warcrimes. Just this once, can you come out and say that Trump would actually be worse for the one topic you ever seem to discuss?

Your track record seems to be making shit up and hoping nobody will ever fact check it.

Your track record seems to be personal attacks whenever someone asks you to provide substantial proof that can be fact checked and cross-referenced. You'll submit articles that agree specifically with your take and call anyone who challenges it with information liars or claim they don't know what they're talking about. You don't challenge people with logic, you challenge them with emotion, and chances are you're angry because it feels as if everyone else is wrong and no one listens.

Man, that must be stressful.

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I want you to think loooong and hard about what you just said. Really consider it.

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Very stoic in your support for Genocide I see. So cool and manly.

calling me pro-genocide doesn't make it so. no matter how hard you try.

So you don't support Joe Biden who is complicit in Genocide?

lol biden's not running dude. but yes, i was going to vote for him.

and no, you're not going to get me to concede that i "support genocide." ever. we CAN condemn some of an individual's actions while still voting for them, because that's the best (if not ONLY) path to progress

are you this exhausting in real life? does it actually get you anywhere? because it's not working here.

Genocide is where people with morals draw a red line but i guess Bidens 'red lines' match his voters.

LOL dude in 20+ comments of you saying gEnOcIdEJOe!!!!!! UrAgEnoCiDeR!!!! you haven't offered a name of a single candidate whom everyone should be supporting instead OR suggested a single course of action that everyone should be taking to make progress on the problem

i'm honestly glad you haven't been deleted for trolling, because this has been hilarious. tell your comrades you've completed your mission. no one in here is voting for joe


20+ comments of people openly supporting Genocide

nope lol maybe you'll be right the next 50 times you say it LOL

Ah so you retract all your statements about Biden and replace them with warnings about Trump being far worse?

Because unless you do these two things, your supposed support for Palestine rings fully hollow.

Thanks person consistently defending israel around Lemmy. You sure care about Palestinians.

Being dishonest is kind of your thing. That and obsessively smearing unrelated people for crimes they did not commit.

Projection is an art.

Right, yeah I have EVER defended Israel. Not just one time, but many times.

Oh wait, I never have, not once, and never would have a single shred of fucking motivation to ever do that. But sure, you're absolutely not lying.

So given that you're lying about that, why would anyone trust a single fucking thing you ever say?

You constantly defend them. You defend the people who support them, and you attack anyone who tries to stand up for Palestinians. I get that the choice between genocidal maniacs and racist religious nutjobs confuses you, but that's because the choice itself is a sham. You don't have to pick a side and pretend that they are always right. That's how they got you into this mess. You can have your own thoughts and ideas that don't fit into perfect or perfect blue. I must say, despite your vast ignorance, it is great that you are at least willing to talk with people who disagree with you and at such a young age, too. Certainly keep it up.

I know English isn't your first language but you do know what defend means.

You don’t have to pick a side

Ah, I see that we've dropped the charade that you're not advocating for voting patterns that help Trump.

Your second sentence doesn't make any sense in this context.

Are you still doing that conspiracy thing where you think anyone who doesn't think exactly like you has to be hired by the Kremlin? Guess what? Not everyone is going to share your opinions in this life.

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At least delete your comment history or create another alt account. Everyone can check it and see you are lying.

I welcome anyone to point to a single comment where I ever once "defended Israel". Go ahead, one time. One comment. Do it.

Edit: notice they dodged this request. Should be easy if I'm constantly doing that right?

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Hmm but Extra Militant Joffrey can lay the actions of Israel all at the feet of the POTUS as though he were directly responsible, even though a second grader would easily understand that makes no sense.

Stop pretending that decades of financial support are new. They aren't. We all know that, and your canvassing just makes you look like a liar.

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