Republicans Really Wish Trump Hadn’t Picked J.D. Vance to politics – 603 points –
Republicans Really Wish Trump Hadn’t Picked J.D. Vance

Some Republicans are starting to seriously regret Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance.

It’s been only one week since Vance was nominated at the Republican National Convention, and already his own party members are expressing severe doubts about Trump’s pick. The former president’s allies have acknowledged that nominating Vance was the product of Trump’s absolute certainty that he would be able to defeat Joe Biden in November. While Vance wouldn’t do much for swing voters or independents, he would likely shore up support among Trump’s base.

But ever since Biden passed the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s new presumptive nominee, Republicans have begun to sour on Vance.

“The road got a lot harder. He was the only pick that wasn’t the safe pick. And I think everyone has now realized that,” one House Republican told Axios Thursday, under the condition of anonymity.

Another House Republican told Axios that Vance “doesn’t add much.”


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Let's not jump to conclusions until we get the couche's side of the story.

I guess I'm dumb or ignorant, but what's the reference here?

Edit: nevermind, explained further down the thread

Ahem, they ended up pulling that article... presumably because he actually did have sex with a couch.

They pulled it because they can't actually know if he did or didn't. Good to see some journalistic integrity! Lol

Your reason is the correct one... but I am happy to keep repeating that it's because Vance is actually a sectional predator.

Can't prove a negative!

Many people are saying that JD did NOT fuck that couch. But then, many people are asking....I don't know, were you THERE?


I both love and hate that this headline exists.