
Gsus4@mander.xyz to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 738 points –
Erdogan slaps child for not kissing his hand during ceremony in Rize

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Erdogan threatens Israel

Posts like this about Erdogan starts showing up

In fear of losing my Arab card, I don't want to defend him, but it is suspicious

Posts like this showed up before too. He's an unlikable dictator. It just so happens that he recently threatened Israel, so you noticed this more.

He keeps winning elections and survived a military coup attempt


Survived a military coup attempt or "survived a military coup attempt"?

Welp this did it. I'm going to need you to go turn in your Arab card down at the Department of Arabic and Islamic Civilizations. Otherwise we're gonna have to send Akbar and Ahmed over.

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yes, I'm hasbara, you got me.

PS: but ok, I sourced this from an odd newspiece somewhere on worldnews on reddit, I can't prove you're wrong, but if he did it in the last few days, it is not just a media campaign, it coincided.

Well, I posted here a ridiculous story about angry far right protesters storming military bases in Israel for daring to punish soldiers for rape and the story got summarily removed for not being oniony enough, so I start to understand your suspicions.

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