Starbucks is reeling as customers go elsewhere, sales decline to – 533 points –
Starbucks is reeling as customers go elsewhere, sales decline

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Only down 3%? I was hoping more. Still, fuck em. Maybe fewer consumers want to pay out the nose for a cup of flavored sugar with coffee?

Overpriced cafeinated milkshakes for adults makerating masquerading as "coffee".

Starbucks customer: Ooof, don't talk to me before I've had my morning coffee...Id like a Venti vanilla caramel mochaccino with 2 extra pumps of vanilla and double drizzle on the whipped cream...but low fat whipped cream

Low fat tho. Cause I don't wanna get fat lol

Remember kids: fat bad, sugar good.

This message was financed by the fine people of the snack and fast food industry.



It's an honestly difficult borrowed French/Italian word just checking if that's what you were going for.

Yep, you're correct, I butchered it. Tired.

Fire your auto correct, that shit let you down hard.

When you demand infinite growth any decline in growth is a catastrophe.

Same reason McDonald's shit itself over a 1% decline in revenue.

I used to be middle management in retail. The province wide financial meetings had franchisees shitting themselves because the profit vs cost percentage had gone down, despite the actual profit amount continuing to increase (by raising prices).

These people do not live in reality. All numbers must always go up.

They really should post their expected goals along side the loss.

For example they could have a goal of 3% increase which means they undershot their goal by a stupid margin.