The 11-mile long, 600 lbs IMAX print of ‘OPPENHEIMER’ to – 1853 points –

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I didn’t realize imax was still film. I figured it went digital with everything else.

There’s only a handful of IMAX theatres in the world that can play this format. Most of them are digital.

Our local one did, but I guess not all. It's a shame, you used to be able to watch the film being wound through windows

Digital still can’t match 70mm IMAX. In fact, IMAX film is even higher resolution than regular 70mm as the film runs through horizontally rather than vertically so more space is used for the image.

But a lot of it has moved digital. IMAX has special laser projectors. They just are not as good. Also, there is a lot of LieMAX (smaller theaters given IMAX branding) that are pretty well all digital.

there are both, the top end is still film though as far as I understand

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