Crowd Cheers as Convicted Rapist is Eliminated in Olympic Beach Volleyball to World – 877 points –
Crowd Cheers as Convicted Rapist is Eliminated in Olympic Beach Volleyball

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did time and is now back in society apparently showing remorse.

Nope, neither of those.

What do you mean? He served 13 months and got out on parole. He's publicly expressed remorse, but that isn't exactly conclusive. I assume there would have been some genuine remorse inside, otherwise there would be no parole.

My point is, if you stop anyone who has been to jail returning to normal society at all, then why let them out at all? You might as well just put every criminal in jail for life, or just kill them straight away.

You might as well just put every criminal in jail for life, or just kill them straight away.

Just the child rapists is fine with me. There's no reforming that.

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“I can’t reverse it, so I have to carry the consequences. It’s the biggest mistake of my life.”

Source: The article linked in the OP

If that's not remorse, I don't know what is.

Never apologiest and he only ever talks about how it is bad for him. Remorse it is not.

Remorse: “I am sorry for what I did and the impact it had on the victim. I made stupid choices that hurt another person, and while I can never take that back, I will seek to do better so no one needs to suffer from my actions again.”

Not sorry you did it, just sorry you got caught: “I can’t reverse it, so I have to carry the consequences. It’s the biggest mistake of my life.”

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