JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip to – 340 points –
JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing

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The issue with jpegxl is that in reality jpeg is fine for 99% of images on the internet.

If you need lossless, you can have PNG.

"But JPEGXL can save 0,18mb in compression!" Shut up nerd everyone has broadband it doesn't matter

What a dumb comment.

All of that adds up when you have thousands or tens of thousands of images. Or even when you're just loading a very media-heavy website.

The compression used by JPEG-XL is very, very good. As is the decoding/encoding performance, both in single core and in multi-core applications.

It's royalty free. Supports animation. Supports transparency. Supports layers. Supports HDR. Supports a bit depth of 32 compared to, what, 8?

JPEG-XL is what we should be striving for.

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That 0.18mb accumulates quickly on the server's side if you have 10000 people trying to access that image at the same time. And there are millions it not billions of images on the net. Just because we have the resources doesn't mean we should squander them..that's how you end up with chat apps taking multiple gigabytes of RAM.

“I’m very small minded and am not important or smart enough to have ever worked on a large-scale project in my life, but I will assume my lack of experience has earned me a sense of authority” -Redisdead

While AVIF saves about 2/3 in my manga downloads (usually jpg). 10 GB to 3 GB. Btw, most comicbook apps support avif.

10 whole GB of storage? I understand now why you need such an ultimate compression technology, this is an insurmountable amount of data in these harrowing times where you can buy a flash card the size of a fingernail that can hold that amount about 25 times.

That was an example, is about a 100 chapter manga. Stop being a jerk.

Check how large your photos library is on your computer. Now wouldn't it be nice if it was 40% smaller?

I have several TBs of storage. I don't remember the last time I paid attention to it.

I don't even use jpeg for it. I have all the raw pics from my DSLR and lossless PNGs for stuff I edited.

It's quite literally a non issue. Storage is cheap af.

It’s competing with webp and it helps prevent jpg artifacts when downloaded multiple times

prevent jpg artifacts when downloaded multiple times

That's not how downloading works

Slightly higher in this thread you spout off complaining about pedantry, and here you are, being even more pedantic?

If you download and upload repeatedly you potentially lose some data each time which is how we got jpeg memes

that happens when the sites you upload it to re-encode the image

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