The Irony of Republicans' 'Tampon Tim' Insult to politics – 320 points –
The Irony of Republicans' 'Tampon Tim' Insult

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The tampons were available in the boy's rooms as well.

? Someone in the middle of transitioning could still require period products.

Or could grab them for their female friend, sister, etc.

Adult Repubs probably would never touch one out of terror, so they couldn't have thought of this.

I never understood why men would be embarrassed to go to the store and buy tampons/douches/random female products.

It means you have a woman who trusts you, which seems like something a straight guy wouldn't mind signaling.

I never understood why men would be embarrassed to go to the store and buy tampons/douches/random female products.

I've never understood this one either, and I am a dude. Done this for a couple of girlfriends over the years and most recently my wife.

The weak men (typically the fratbro types) think this is something that would emasculate a man.

Sooooo stupid.

I can't remember the number of times I've bought hygiene products for family, friends or partners over the years.
None of these trips were in any way embarrassing.

None of the employees involved ever batted an eye, no comments, no weird looks, no high fives.
Just the normal retail vibe, they just wanna go home at the end of their shift and not deal with other people's bullshit.
Didn't matter whether I was 10 or 30, didn't matter whether it was cough syrup or hygiene products, they don't give a shit what you're buying and for whom.

Some of the female cashiers may have secretly thought you were awesome though. I would have.

Exactly. It's also a great way to normalize the female body in a non sexual way. So of course they hate it

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Or even "the women's room is out-of-order, it's an emergency, use the men's room".

And republicans hate that because it means not torturing trans kids

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