Trump says he will hold a news conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday. to politics – 87 points –
Trump says he will hold a news conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday.

Donald J. Trump plans to hold a “general news conference” on Thursday afternoon at his private club and home, Mar-a-Lago, the first such event he has held in months.

Mr. Trump announced the event on his website, Truth Social, on Thursday morning.


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It would be hilarious if he was dumping Vance from the ticket, but I have a hunch this will be something racist - maybe he’s going to accuse Kamala of not being American and we’re going to have to deal with a whole Birtherism 2.0 “movement”

I suspect he's dropping out on some pretense, now that the campaign stopped being fun. If there is any chance in hell he could get a deal to get his sentence(s) commuted, I think he'd do it in a heartbeat.

His dropping out seems very unlikely. Not impossible by any means, but unlikely. He doesn't seem like the person who's capable of admitting defeat, especially considering his legal troubles

I agree, and I think we're working from the same priors. I just have a funny little hunch.

Heh, I get it. Let's see what happens – I'd certainly enjoy the chaos that Trump dropping out would cause. Republicans would go fucking nuts

Heh, I get it. Let's see what happens – I'd certainly enjoy the chaos Kamala that Trump dropping out would cause. Republicans would go fucking nuts

It would have a pleasing symmetry with the headache Biden has caused with the old guard in the Dem party that wanted him out.

More likely than him "dropping out" would be him saying that there would be no Republican candidate for president "because the election is rigged!!!"

I could see this also, a bad faith withdrawal and pivot to inciting further insurrection. My gut tells me that some kind of historical first is coming down the pipe.

I think if Trump was projected to lose by an embarrassing margin - I'm talking like 75-25 - he might prefer trying to weasel out of having a legitimate devastating loss on official record. That's not happening though with how big his base is, and with the electoral college being the way it is he is still probably favoured to win - though yes the polls are slipping.

Regardless, I can't see him dropping out now.

I think if Trump was projected to lose by an embarrassing margin - I’m talking like 75-25 - he might prefer trying to weasel out of having a legitimate devastating loss on official record.

No way. Trump would just use that as "proof" that the election was rigged. In his mind there is no way people wouldn't vote him into office, so any scenario where he loses, his narcissism would force him to claim there was election malfeasance .

He is still in quite a bit of legal jeopardy. I highly doubt he would drop out knowing that some lawsuits have only been held at bay due to the position of power a presidential candidate and the godhead of a cult has.

Not that I believe this is the case AT ALL, but to further this line of thought:

If he was dropping out, it would be because he's already got the party machine going on a new (guaranteed) nominee who would have already promised to pardon trump (and this promise would be assured by some damning fact trump could use as an assurance)

He won't. The only reason he is running this time is to stay out of jail though I think.

If he drops out, I guarantee he's going to be doing a runner shortly after.

It's more likely he'll use this event to set up things for a civil war

I could easily see that. Right now the only thing I'm not expecting is for the next couple of months to be uneventful.

Can he dump Vance at the moment though? The RNC has already voted and he's already been certified as the VP candidate.
I know Vance could step down and Trump could appoint a new VP, but I'm not sure that Trump has the ability to "fire" him.

I know Vance could step down and Trump could appoint a new VP, but I’m not sure that Trump has the ability to “fire” him.

Trump would be the type to announce he's firing Vance so he can be The Strong Man™ but it would in reality have to be Vance stepping down. It all works out to be the same result though.

I'm not sure that Trump has the ability to "fire" him.

That's never stopped him before