Peeble streamer on Doop to Lemmy – 1191 points –

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the enboomerification of genx is almost complete

it would have happened sooner but millennials needed to complain about it first

Nah, this is millennial energy right here. "Fuck social media, why doesn't everyone have a geocities page with a webring that links to their angelfire page and guestbooks and ICQ and stumbleupon KIDS NEED TO STOP HAVING A DIFFERENT INTERNET EXPERIENCE THAN I GREW UP WITH!"

Gen-x, as is their nature, simultaneously doesn't care and complains endlessly about everything equally, even the stuff they like, especially the stuff they like.

To put it in a perspective that this audience will understand; boomers are superintendent Chalmers. Millenials are Principal Skinner. Gen-x is Comic Book Guy.

Not a millennial but I will always argue that the modern internet is inherently worse for people than the internet even of 15 years ago.

yeah but the internet objectively sucks ass now and the webrings dont seem that bad ngl. also the 'geocities page with a webring that links to their angelfire page and guestbooks and ICQ and stumbleupon' still exists lmfao (neocities etc)

The internet objectively sucked back then too. But it seemed cool, because it was new and exciting and all the millennials that are nostalgic for it were young teens at the time.

Fuck social media, why doesn’t everyone have a geocities page with a webring that links to their angelfire page and guestbooks and ICQ and stumbleupon KIDS NEED TO STOP HAVING A DIFFERENT INTERNET EXPERIENCE THAN I GREW UP WITH!”

This, but unironicly!

I want to live in a world where people blame geocities and angelfire instead of alphabet and meta for destroying the internet and spreading misinformation

These aren't radically new forms of celebrity so much as new methods of circulating a fad. Thirty years ago we had Pewdiepie and Mr. Beast, they were just Talk Radio shock jocks and daytime TV game show hosts. The names and faces change, but the gimmicks are all the same.

"Oh, you don't know who Octomom is? Oh, you haven't heard about the Macarena? You don't know all the call-lines to Rocky Horror Picture Show? I guess you're not cool." shrug These things come and go. You can follow them or not. But pretending the height of socialization is knowing the current crop of Mouseketeers-turned-pop-idols isn't going to make you less of a Boomer than your great-grandparents.

Thirty ... Thirty years ago?

They mean the equivalents of them. Mr Beast got big almost 10 years, and Pewdiepie was relevant almost 20 years ago. 10 years before that, you had Oprah Winfrey and Rush Limbaugh.

Hrm, I guess that makes sense. Thank you for clarifying.