Mockery online as slurring Trump steamrolls Musk 'sounding like Sylvester the Cat' to politics – 579 points –
Mockery online as slurring Trump steamrolls Musk 'sounding like Sylvester the Cat'

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The best part was when he talked about all of the criminals coming here from Africa… to the criminal from South Africa

That's OK, there is an implied "only the black criminals" on the end of that sentence for both of them.

No shock that a Trump interview with an African-American would be a catastrophe.

You just know how he feels about - [ looks around ] - immigrants!

people forget musk was an "illegal" himself, having overstayed a visa (allegedly). I do wonder if he lied on any of his immigration paperwork because citizenship can be rescinded on the grounds of fraud. This would force twitter to be registered as a foreign owned corporation and likely would be forced to sell under the tiktok law and he'd lose the military contracts.