Former Trump voter: Trump is ‘lying about pretty much everything’ to politics – 461 points –

Rich Logis, a former voter for former President Trump, appeared in a video message broadcast to the Democratic National Convention on Monday night to say that the COVID-19 pandemic showed him how Trump was “lying about pretty much everything.”

“I believed Trump,” he said. “When the pandemic hit, we needed leadership, but we were given almost nothing. It was a major betrayal to the country.”

Logis described himself as a “full-fledged member of MAGA” and encouraged fellow voters that there was still time to change their minds about whom to cast a ballot for in November.


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Yikes. Then maybe explore how you were so easily duped. That's the real problem.

It can happen to anyone. You are not immune to propaganda.

Okay but... There's a difference between being influenced by propaganda and actively ignoring your eyes and ears, And going out of your way to be influenced by a cult of personality

How do you think cults operate? A cult of personality requires insane amounts of propaganda. The type of propaganda that the largest news network in the country provides. The type of propaganda that is effective at reaching vulnerable and disenfranchised people into believing hateful ideology. There have been many smart people that ended up in a cult, because that cult's propaganda was effective to them.

It also takes a mind unwilling to ask important questions or perform any kind of self reflection. No not anyone is susceptible to this.

I agree. There are plenty of people who are at no risk at all of joining a cult because they are not morons.

They can still get scammed tho. Or just make a wrong choice that has repercussions. It’s a six-of-one, half-dozen-of-another kind of situation.

Right, so not everyone is susceptible which is all I was saying, Jesus

What it seems like you're saying, both in your previous comment and this one, is that certain people cannot fall into a cult because effective propaganda wouldn't be effective.

Going out of your way to believe what everyone around you believes? Yeah, that's hard.

You are not immune to propaganda.

"You are not immune to being convinced by something."

Nobody should be immune to that. What they should be able to do is distinguish accurate propaganda from bullshit.

That's not as simple as you might think. You'd be surprised what has been made into "common knowledge".

It could be simpler than what it is, but teaching critical thinking is very low priority, especially in the US.

This is true for nearly everyone!

However, I have been immunized by media literacy studies, digital literacy practice, reading history, having a healthy respect for the scientific method and a basic understanding of political economy.

You know--what in some jurisdictions is called schooling.

[someconditionsmayapply, immunization does not confer immunity, merely resistance, consult your local poets]

I have been immunized by media literacy studies, digital literacy practice, reading history, having a healthy respect for the scientific method and a basic understanding of political economy.

Aaaaaaaaand they're gone. You've eliminated every single Republican voter in one single sentence.

You're still not immune. You've been given tools to identify something as propaganda, but propaganda works not just because people lack those skills, but because they weren't using those skills when they encountered it. Propaganda can come from anywhere, so unless you're always fact checking everything everyone says, you are not immune to propaganda.

Um, one thing that helps is reading the entire message, including disclaimers...

Also, please don't try to reduce media literacy to fact checking, you'll just get hung up on authenticity.

That means the right propaganda could convince anyone, doesn’t mean everyone has 0 defence against it, some have more than others.