What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?

SLVRDRGN@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 314 points –

One that comes to mind for me: "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is not always true. Maybe even only half the time! Are there any phrases you tend to hear and shake your head at?


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life is beautiful.

no, it's not. it's an ugly, parasitic process that accelerates resource consumption merely for its own pointless existence. the heat death of the universe will come all that faster only because of the presence of life.

and, for sure, humankind is the pinnacle of this selfish and greedy outcome of biological evolution.

Life is beautiful. That it even managed to exist, let alone evolve is fascinating, wonderous, fantastical. That certain species mucked things up isn't life's fault.

"Beauty" is a concept invented by the human brain, not some intrinsic truth. So the statement can be true, although it very often is not.

Perhaps, but it seems life is but an insignificant speck of energy waste in the universe

Life is not beatiful, but what we make of it can be

And to what would not having life accomplish? What is the point of not having life? How is there beauty in the lack of life when only things that have life even have a concept of beauty? Your viewpoint requires you to believe in some type of inherent value that doesn't exist.

How is there beauty in the lack of life

i never said that there's beauty in the lack of life. i said that there's no beauty in life.

these are two very different statements.