Pete Buttigieg Thinks ‘We’re Still Underreacting to Project 2025’ to politics – 610 points –

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The name will be changed in a couple of years, and it'll be embraced by someone from the DNC and liberals will love the entire idea. Like they did NAFTA, the ACA, and several other ideas that originated with the Heritage foundation

What the actual fuck are you talking about

Did you not listen to the blue Republican presidenteial candidates speech last night?

Well, instead of a Trump tax hike, we will pass a middle class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million Americans. (They want to raise your taxes folks! We will make you pay less!)

refuse to play politics with our security. Here is my pledge to you: As President, I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed. And I will sign it into law. (Immigration as a national security issue)

ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world. (More military, more deadly!)

will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists. (Make them fear us!)

I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. (Support Israel and justify the ongoing genocide!)

Interlaced with a bunch of progressive sounding platitudes.

Outside of her supporting abortion rights (if congress passes a bill), it was basically a 2016 Trump speech (he even had a couple platitudes back then people just saw through his)

I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. (Support Israel and justify the ongoing genocide!)

Fuck off, you're being intentionally misleading. This was a reassurance prelude to the statement that the Palestinian people have a right to not be genocided. Why are you misrepresenting this?

For anyone who didn't watch the DNC: don't trust this bozo, he's cherry-picking the most bipartisan stances to claim they were acting like republicans.

The entire party is now mask off republican, and theyve moved way past the moderate scale

paid-for-by-kamala-harris We will make sure America has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world

The overton window is currently at: Neocon Warhawk.

Hexbear is leaking again. and (your instance) are notoriously similar to hexbear & lemmygrad. It's always people from those same instances.

The inserted graphic, the pronoun in the name, is a dead giveaway. I only joined because lemmyworld was kinda locked down because of the great migration from reddit and the influx of traffic.

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