Freed Israeli captive Noa Argamani says she was wounded by Israel, not Hamas

Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldbanned from community to – 838 points –
Freed Israeli captive Noa Argamani says she was wounded by Israel, not Hamas

Noa Argamani, an Israeli woman freed from Hamas captivity in Gaza in June, said on Friday that her injuries were caused by an Israeli air strike during her rescue operation, not by a Hamas attack.

Speaking to diplomats from G7 countries in Tokyo on Wednesday, Argamani detailed her ordeal after she was taken captive by Palestinian armed groups during the 7 October attack. However, two days later, she issued a statement on Instagram, saying that some of her remarks had been misquoted and taken out of context.

Contrary to some Israeli media reports, Argamani clarified that she was not beaten or had her hair shaved by Palestinian fighters.

"[Hamas members] did not hit me while I was in captivity, nor did they cut my hair; I was injured by the collapse of a wall caused by an [Israeli] Air Force pilot," she added.


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Hamas doesn't have to be good for Israel to be bad.

and israel being worse than hamas doesn't absolve hamas of all responsibility either?

Like why was she a hostage in the first place?

Israel is a functional democracy and Gaza is a failed terrorist state. They are not equal in any form or fashion.

Israel is not a functional democracy, pretending as much is gross intellectual dishonesty.

They have elections, currency, standing military. The system of democracy isn't perfect but name me one that is?

That's a country, please try again.

They both employ terrorism

I don't see the IDF hiding behind their women and children in the tunnels they forced children to build for them.

I don't see the Palestinians surrounding Israel with walls, controlling all their movement, turning off their supplies of clean water and medicine, raping and beating them in prison, detaining them arbitriliy, levelling their cities, destroying their hospitals, stealing their homes, destroying their olive groves etc etc.

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