Keystone Species Rule to – 684 points –

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There are four groups of people needed for any tech environment to strive, furries, femboys, Transfems, and Linux users (especially Arch btw users).

okay so the furries are all in on frontend while the Linux graybeards do the low level C shit. the femboys can't get enough Rust and are somewhere in the middle doing web backends and services, the transfems like Rust too, but also weirder things like Nix or functional programming and lean more towards OS and systems type of stuff right?

i like this because it explains why the furries seem to have more visibility than the other groups, it lets each group have a little bit of space while still all being part of the same team, and honestly it matches the people i've worked with like 80-90%.

I am none of the first 3, but I am totally an Linux Arch user BTW. Being a paranoid autist also helps.

Which WM do you use :3