Texas State Police Gear Up for Massive Expansion of Surveillance Tech

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 513 points –
Texas State Police Gear Up for Massive Expansion of Surveillance Tech

In June, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) signed an acquisition plan for a 5-year, nearly $5.3 million contract for a controversial surveillance tool called Tangles from tech firm PenLink, according to records obtained by the Texas Observer through a public information request. The deal is nearly twice as large as the company’s $2.7 million two-year contract with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Tangles is an artificial intelligence-powered web platform that scrapes information from the open, deep, and dark web. Tangles’ premier add-on feature, WebLoc, is controversial among digital privacy advocates. Any client who purchases access to WebLoc can track different mobile devices’ movements in a specific, virtual area selected by the user, through a capability called “geofencing.” Users of software like Tangles can do this without a search warrant or subpoena. (In a high-profile ruling, the Fifth Circuit recently held that police cannot compel companies like Google to hand over data obtained through geofencing.) Device-tracking services rely on location pings and other personal data pulled from smartphones, usually via in-app advertisers. Surveillance tech companies then buy this information from data brokers and sell access to it as part of their products.

WebLoc can even be used to access a device’s mobile ad ID, a string of numbers and letters that acts as a unique identifier for mobile devices in the ad marketing ecosystem, according to a US Office of Naval Intelligence procurement notice.

Wolfie Christl, a public interest researcher and digital rights activist based in Vienna, Austria, argues that data collected for a specific purpose, such as navigation or dating apps, should not be used by different parties for unrelated reasons. “It’s a disaster,” Christl told the Observer. “It’s the largest possible imaginable decontextualization of data. … This cannot be how our future digital society looks like.”

Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240827115133/https://www.texasobserver.org/texas-dps-surveillance-tangle-cobwebs/


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Alt title: Texas to spend $5 mil on software that is easily defeated by not bringing your cell phone to a riot.

You're missing the point. This is a gross violation of privacy rights.

Almost no one in this thread cares and they are all memeing like this is an 'ow my balls' clip.

Frankly I'm starting to think we deserve this

It can be a waste of money and an invasion of privacy rights. The two are not mutually exclusive.

That's not what you said..

Sorry if there was confusion. My main point: leave your narc device at home when doing crimes. Have a good day!

Do you think committing a crime is the only time this matters?

Edit: Imagine being trans, gay, a minority, or just the wrong political party, and the police decide to go after you.

No, also probably when the AI pattern matches your behavior to a criminal's behavior because you live in the same neighborhood.

Again I'm not saying this isn't bad, I'm saying Texas has no idea what they bought or how to use it. The only practical way to use it is the way the feds do, and if they try the AI shit it will likely fuck them legally speaking at the federal level OR orange Julius wins and the NSA starts just giving this shit to Texas, so this will all be moot.

I think they got grifted out of $5 mil by AI hucksters.

I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. This is exactly the kind of thing AI is good at, pattern recognition.

Good at avoiding false-negatives, not so good at avoiding false-positives. IMHO a 1% false-positive rate is unacceptable when the result is ruining someones life.

Because of stupid fucking memes and whiny furry 'artists' all of lemmy thinks the greatest danger of AI is someone not getting paid for their drawn porn getting scraped.

The REAL danger is AI can piece together nearly every aspect of your schedule, personality, income, pregnancy status, class, social circle, race, and medical history just by correlating anonymous data.

It's already happening, hell it already happened 15 years ago and now they are just that much better.

But every FUCKDAMN top comment in this thread is a fucking joke or sarcasm

OK explain then. The AI flags you as a criminal and the cops give you a ticket for looking like a crim? The burden of proof is on the state. Now they have more 2x more shit to investigate which means more cop hours. Idk like I also hate the privacy aspect it this but it seems like a boondoggle that will also waste lots of taxpayer money and it would be good to attack it from two rhetorical angles.

The burden of proof is on the state

Do you like know anything about how our system works? People get slapped with frivolous tickets and lawsuits every day, and cops don't have to deal with shit from it.

In the Texas counties I'm most familiar with, if you're arrested and they don't have a good case, they just keep resetting court dates for years instead of going ahead with the process. If you can't afford a bond, you'll be in jail that whole time (which pressures people to take plea deals), if you can secure a bond, you're out, but with limited rights and a whole lot of hassles to deal with.

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Correlation is not causation. This only indicates a person is in the general area [during a crime] and not that they perpetrated it. People go to jail, wrongfully, with less evidence than this.

they're not going to use it as evidence in an arrest, they are going to use it to target social dissidents, which in Texas's case, is everyone who isn't a fascist.

They know they can't use it as evidence, but they also know ten thousand other cruel and vicious things they can get away with.

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Everyone brings their phones to protests because they have cameras and it’s how they communicate with others. Riots are also rarely planned in the US so so I doubt even a majority of the participants will remember not to bring a phone with them.

I understand you’re being somewhat tongue in cheek, but the flippancy of your statement downplays the chilling effect this can and will have on protests and other gatherings. It also impacts one of the most powerful tools we have for accountability: the cameras on our phones.

Notice that Louisiana just banned filming police officers within I believe 25ft. These governors/legislators aren’t stupid. This is all a very deliberate, coordinated effort.

That is the real (overall) goal of shit like this.

Prevent people from using communication devices so that we can't coordinate. It is a lot easier to go around busting heads if people aren't recording you (or running over from the other street to fight back...). Same with the constant war on encryption.

And useful idiots (or incompetent plants) will love to talk about how the real problem is people are bringing those evidence collection boxes to protests and are coordinating rather than acting as a sea of individuals.

Yet again I'm not saying this isn't bad, I guess I'm just surprised people are just catching on to this shit. Look into meshnets. Get a DV handycam. Keep it secret keep it safe. Practice good op sec. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

We aren’t just catching on. You’re letting your smug cloud your judgment here. This is not some revelation for the rest of us that you are already wise to.

This is a new tool that ratchets up these practices. It’s also not a 3 letter federal agency but a wildly partisan state government. This makes the problem worse. No one thinks it’s new.

No. What you are doing is trying to act smug while spreading the exact same end goal of isolating people.

A hidden gopro does not stop cops from beating you to death and saying you had a gun. A bunch of phones that are recording "to the cloud" does that. Similarly, a hidden camera does not let you communicate with other protesters and just isolates you and weakens the movement as a whole.

Please listen to others rather than being a useful idiot for the fascists.

Riots are also rarely planned in the US so so I doubt even a majority of the participants will remember not to bring a phone with them.

It also impacts one of the most powerful tools we have for accountability: the cameras on our phones.

Airplane mode

When you’re talking about massive groups of people you need to accept that a lot of them won’t.

I am not talking about other people, I am saying that any individual who happens to become part of some unplanned ethical riot, has a chance to not be tracked through their phone and still use its function which don't require any external connection, like camera.

Whether they decide to use it or not is really up to them.

Have you been in a riot or a protest that escalated enough to provoke swift/decisive police response?

I’m not challenging your activism bona fides here to be clear. But i am trying to say that it is very difficult to work through a mental checklist when shit starts to get rowdy and one should never bank on making a series of proactive decisions while under duress/in a time crunch/in really any stressful scenario.

Instead of telling people “just be careful and do X, Y, and Z” you should be pushing back against the laws and practices that make you want to tell people that to begin with.

you should be pushing back against the laws > and practices that make you want to tell people that to begin with.

I am not disputing this part - I am just saying, there is something you can do even when the situation is not planned. I am not saying it is easy or anything, I am saying you are not without options.

I am not advocating for state survaillence.

I wouldn’t be so shitty as to grossly mischaracterize you as advocating for state surveillance, don’t worry. My point is you make it sound like a much simpler issue than it is and we should not be shifting the onus onto the general public in a situation like this.

we should not be shifting the onus onto the general public in a situation like this.

If we are talking about how we would design our utopia (no sarcasm here) we absolutely shouldn't. I am just pointing out that even in less than ideal reality you are not without options.

I guess? I mean the feds were already doing this to the capital insurrectionists, but yeah it does suck that Texas is now doing it too. I suggest everyone who's getting pissed at me reevaluate their threat models instead and maybe go get a DV handycam from goodwill

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Do you think that's the only fucking time they'll use this?

We are in the middle of the most dangerous liberty encroachment in our living memory and literally none of you are thinking beyond your own little frameworks and by the time we get some advocacy on this it'll be too late.

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