How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use to – 759 points –

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You noobs. I just use combinations of cat piped to sed to edit my files, which are mainly lisp code.


Huh does that actually work? Don't have a system handy to try it out.

showing the output in termux

storage/documents/programs ro
> echo puts "hello world" > main.rb

storage/documents/programs ro via rb
> ls
c  js  main.rb  python

storage/documents/programs ro via rb
> < main.rb grep hello
puts hello world

storage/documents/programs ro via rb

I think so! I think it's something like < file works anywhere in the line, not just the end. There may be some specifics about no space when it is the front but I don't remember lol.

Amateur! I write my code down on a piece of paper, scan it in, send it to my computer through email, then make a custom-built AI read the paper and print it in the terminal!