Where's the lie?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – -63 points –

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Which one are you minimizing with your vote, racism or genocide?

Minimizing genocide, albeit in the classical sense of the word which is to reduce the amount of. This should be an inarguably good thing so voting for the less genocide party doesn't seem complicated.

Now admittedly, if all the kids and keyboard warriors had been so staunchly opposed to US foreign policy, showing up to the Democratic primary would've been the move. Unfortunately, elder voters crush the youth despite being a smaller portion of the population so, unsurprisingly, American policy tends to reflect their views.

But hey, bitching on the internet is surely almost as good as voting in the primaries, right? Wait...

The younger adults showed up to a primary and won it. But, unfortunately, the SCOTUS ruled that private organizations can nominate whomever the fuck they want regardless of the outcome of the vote. Those adults don't vote anymore.

It's certainly their fault. /s

Uhhh, which primary are you thinking of? I could be wrong but I'd be stunned if the 25 and under crowd outvoted the over 65 in any primary in the last quarter century.

And is the SCOTUS ruling you're confused about Citizen's United?

You moved the goal post then assumed I was an idiot. This was a time when you probably should've asked one good question. If you do so now perhaps another user will answer.

What? Which goal posts did I move? You can feel free to use whatever goalposts just give me the primary you're thinking of and the age range you're including.

Also still waiting on whatever wild SCOTUS ruling you're thinking of.

Whoever you vote for, you are “minimizing genocide” by this logic.

Given Trump's full support of genocide, I would say voting for him would be choosing genocide and not "minimizing".

Alternatively, one could disengage from the electoral system and instead focus on actions history has proven effective.

Lol, which wars fought by a democracy are you thinking have been ended by non democratic means?

The failed invasions and colonizations of Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc. were ended through brutal defeat despite decades of "democratic" support.

The post to which I was responding was:

Alternatively, one could disengage from the electoral system and instead focus on actions history has proven effective.

So, going by you Mr answer, are you suggesting the appropriate non electoral response is to go fight in Gaza?

The New Deal, the Civil Rights Act, Women's Lib, cessation of hostility in Vietnam, the Clean Water Act, the ADA, Lol.

Ummm, all of those came about via democracy?

Edit: Also, most of those weren't wars....

None of those were the result of democracy.

Are you maybe meaning to comment on another thread or something? Right now it looks like you're trying to claim that "The New Deal, the Civil Rights Act, Women’s Lib, cessation of hostility in Vietnam, the Clean Water Act, the ADA" all of which (except maybe arguably Vietnam) were things passed by popular demand by a democratically elected government...

Why did they pass them? You seem to have not studied any history at all.

There were mass movements that translated to electoral victory... In other words, democracy function led exactly as it should.

Oh no. They were mass movements that performed illegal actions and threatened more. We the People didn't cast votes. We demanded what we deserved with a threat of violence.

And then those mass movements resulted in... Yup, democratic change! And frankly, the illegal actions were mostly to stir sympathy because, yes, the key making policy changes was having enough people support your side because, you guessed it, that's how democracy works!

I don't recall the book's name but there's a great account of why the civil rights movement targeted Birmingham in particular and one of the big reasons was they knew the sherrif, Bull Connor, would over-react and over-react violently in a way that would garner sympathy for the movement. (That's how they got the iconic photo of the Black kid getting bitten by the cop dog.) King might have talked about it in Letters from Birmingham jail?

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All of those were accomplished through the electoral system though….

None of them were accomplished through the electoral system.

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