Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate to politics – 912 points –
Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate

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I wish they had pushed him harder on the simple yes or no questions.

Also, Harris missed a perfect opportunity to point out that Trump has been the only president that has advocated a gun ban. "take the guns and figure out due process later"

The yes/no about "should Ukraine win the war" he wouldn't answer anything except that he would end the war. He would just give up Ukraine to Russia to end it, though, and he didn't want to say that on TV.

That would make him enemies right in the middle of his fandom.

You can't force him to change his answer. Y'all think you could fact check trump better live.

No, I meant when he was asked a yes or no question directly, multiple times, he never gave an actual answer.

Oh my bad, I agree on that point. Sort of expected it though but it would be nice to hear a simple answer here and there.