Laura Loomer: Who is conspiracy theorist travelling with Trump? to politics – 270 points –
Laura Loomer: Who is conspiracy theorist travelling with Trump?

The presence of hard-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer alongside Donald Trump on the campaign trail in recent days has raised questions, including from some Republicans, about the influence the controversial former congressional candidate may have on him.

Ms Loomer is well-known for her anti-Muslim rhetoric and for spreading conspiracy theories, including that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" carried out by the US government.

She joined Trump at an event on Wednesday commemorating the attacks, raising eyebrows and prompting outrage in some US media outlets.


Now, she is known for her vocal support of Trump and for promoting a long string of conspiracy theories including claims that Kamala Harris is not black, and that the son of billionaire George Soros was sending cryptic messages calling for Trump's assassination.

These posts led her to be banned from a number of platforms including Facebook, Instagram and even, according to her, Uber and Lyft for making offensive comments about Muslim drivers. She once described herself as a “proud Islamophobe”.


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Wasn't it Laura Loomer, who started the whole Kamala gave BJs to get to her position? I guess it was truly just projection.


Still gross to make that accusation about someone as reprehensible as Loomer. And it let's Trump off the hook. She's not traveling with him because of sexual favors, she's traveling with him because he supports her insane views.

Just because she's a horrible person doesn't mean he's not also taking advantage of her. After all, "When you're a star, they let you do it..."

It's not a gross accusation when it's a gross truth.

Right, but do you have any evidence? Otherwise it's just an accusation

She has apparently been spending some nights at Mar-a-Lago IIRC, and has also been traveling with him in his jet. Theres also quite a few pictures of them being really close. Sure, we don't have video of them having sex, but it's about as obvious as it can be without that. We all know how much Trump likes to take advantage of women and also likes sycophants, so it'd only make sense that he takes her in.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was something there, but that's different than a fact.


Every accusation IS an admission of guilt with Republicans, without exception.

This thought terminating cliche is used on the right as well. It makes no sense (so...Trump is the one who "became black?") and just exists so people can reinforce their world view uncritically.

If you have an opinion, back it up with evidence and say that.

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