Chappell Roan Says She’s “Voting For F@cking Kamala,” But No VP Endorsement & “F@ck Trump, For F@cking Real” to politics – 216 points –

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We keep breaking it by voting for Republicans every now and then.

If Democrats ran every branch of the government at every level I still doubt it would get fixed.

California is doing pretty damn good. Not perfect, but head and shoulders above the rest of the country.

Exactly: Even if they ran everything they'd do stupid shit.

"Nothing is perfect, therefore everything is equally shit."

What a stupid philosophy. Like all "bothsides" bullshit.

That's not what I'm saying at all but don't let that stop you from punching left.

Is the stupid shit Democrats do significantly less stupid than the stupid shit Republicans do?

If you keep getting punched everywhere you go, it's time for some introspection my friend.

Yes, but it's still stupid shit that will get done in my name, with my money, that I have no power to prevent.

And in your opinion I should be happy about it.

You're not happy about a significant reduction in stupidity of the people in control of your government?

You're happy about our government still being stupid?

It'll never be smart, because we always demand more of it. Which is fair. Being better than the average, being better than before, and moving in the right direction are all excellent things that we should be happy about.

I've come to accept that the best I can ever hope for from our government is that it's marginally better than it was before. As long as I don't look too close at the details to find the ratfuckery or corruption or red tape.

But I refuse to be happy about it the fact that government will always be stupid.

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In what way is CA doing 'pretty damn good'..?

By being richer than most other countries in the world.

That's really what it's about anyways. Identity politics are just icing for wealth generation for the upper class.

Income, life expectancy, healthcare access. Union membership. Cali home prices are unaffordable because people want to live there and are willing to pay for it.

You live under a rock or something?

I mean it guess they're not banning books or switching to school vouchers but I'm pretty sure low income households are doing just as bad if not worse over there

Aren't they, like, tearing down homeless encampments on a monthly basis?

edit: spelling

Guess you have been living under a rock. Strong economy AND strong worker protections, lots of unions, high minimum wage, robust anti-discrimination laws, there's countless things that make life in California better for low income households.

Erm, i guess ill take your word for it


Gini coefficient

Home price to median income

Gee, I can't imagine what motivation you would have to cherry pick stats to try and make California look bad

Lol, those are bellwether economic statistics for any state, it's not 'cherry picking'.

Capital D democrats love California because it's a democratic stronghold and a testing ground for all kinds of liberal policy, but it's also dominated by capital interests. In terms of GDP it represents 1/6th of the entire US economy.

It's one of the clearest examples of liberalism's relationship with capital. Most socialists would not look fondly on California governance.

Uh huh

We both know you hate California because all you ever do is attack Democrats. There are dozens of "bellwether economic indicators" and California is doing excellent on most of them. Of course you'd pick a couple of bad ones because you have an agenda.

Well I do attack democrats an awful lot, but not because they're any kind of model of leftist governance

Those are the metrics any leftist would be interested in with any highly developed state or economy. How distributed is the wealth? Are low-earners able to afford a comparative standard of living? Do they have economic and employment mobility? ect. They look to answer the question, "to what degree is the working class subject to coercive capitalist conditions?"

Other economic metrics are weighted toward assessing the performance of capital, and are far less relevant to the questions leftists care about answering.

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