Opinion: Harris’s agenda mirrors the Democratic Socialists of America

Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -50 points –

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Back in the day I had the privilege of knowing some old school Communists. People who had gone to Spain to fight Fascism and been blacklisted at home.

One of the stories they told was about how in 1968 they were warning young voters to get to the polls to stop Nixon. It wasn't that they were in love with Hubert Humphrey, but they knew he was a million times better than Nixon.

The situation is the same today. If you aren't voting for Harris and every other Dem you're ignoring reality.

My grandfather went through something similar. He faced relentless hate and pressure from both sides of the political spectrum, but he never caved and stayed true to his convictions.

Just like those old-school Communists, he knew the power of standing firm, even when the world seemed against him.

Choosing the "lesser of two evils" was never his style, and I’m the same way. I won’t be bullied into casting a vote I don’t believe in, and neither would he.

In my opinion, respecting someone’s decision to vote their conscience is a lot more powerful than forcing them to pick the so-called “realistic” choice.

I won't be voting Harris. I'm proud to vote third party.

I'm sure you think you sound like you have integrity, but it sounds like privilege to me.

Women have actually died because they couldn't get abortions.

I could point out a lot of other things that happened because of Trump, but let's just deal with this one issue.

And you totally misread the idea of the old school Communists standing firm.

Another thing they talked about was Ho Chi Minh working with the American OSS in WW2. Ho would have known all about America's history of racism and genocide, but that didn't matter because there was a bigger threat to his people.

And please name the 'Third Party' you're planning on voting for. There's proof that the GOP has helped both the Libertarians and the Greens get on the ballot to help split the Dem vote.

I’m sure you think you sound like you have integrity, but it sounds like privilege to me.

Because I am not voting Harris, I have privilege?! I promise you make more money than I do. So you have more privilege than me. So are you evil because of it?

Touched a nerve, did we?

I'm voting Socialist Workers Party, (Rachele Fruit).

And because of Lemmy, I promise I will NEVER vote Democrat. The hate and bullying here has been unbelievable.

The hate and bullying here has been unbelievable.

So, I point out that people have actually died because of Trump, but your feelings are more important.

And you sound like a third rate Marvel villain. "Curse you, Captain America! You've forced me to blow up this school!"

So, I point out that people have actually died because of Trump, but your feelings are more important.

And people have actually died because of Biden/Harris admin.

I'm voting third party. Thanks!

That, in every sense of the word, is your privilege.

And you make way more money that me. Seems like you have plenty of privilege. In fact, you have more privilege than me. Are you ashamed of it?

And you make way more money that me

Who do you imagine I am?

I imagine you're someone making more than minimum wage. Am I wrong?

lol! You're making minimum wage thanks to a guy named FDR, who was a Dem.

If it weren't for him, you'd be making far less.

I'm a socialist. I know the benefits and lack of benefits we have. I'm still not going to vote Harris. Do you understand? I. Am. NOT. Voting. Democrat.

But thank you!

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I wasn’t bullied into casting a vote for Hilldog (she fucking sucks). I am going to vote against the orange bad because I’ve seen how awful his time in office was. I’m not a fan of Harris, but I’m very anti-him. Dems aren’t good enough, but he’s terrible enough that I must do what I can to prevent another term.

Third parties will never be viable if we keep dismissing them and refuse to vote for them, which only strengthens the duopoly's stranglehold on our political system.

So your goal is to make them viable by giving them a pittance of a vote during an incredibly polarized election? How many local seats has your third party won? I wonder if they do anything or have any success outside of ~2 months directly before an election? Why didn't I see shit like this year round from you losers?

There are people affected by your lack of empathy and harm reduction. You stomp your feet and blame the system, and then make a net-zero or negative dent in it and call that integrity. You're no better than the brainwashed right who would vote for a literal felon.

It's not bullying, it's simple math. Harris wins or Trump wins. Harris isn't perfect, but Trump is unacceptable. Voting for neither is a choice, but it's choice that says you don't care which one wins. You don't care if a fascist bigot who wants to abuse his power to control women and line his pockets wins the election. Anyone that's OK with that is either themselves a fascist bigot who wants Project 2025, or they're stupid.

So saying you don't care if Trump wins tells me you might be a fascist bigot, or you might be stupid. If you're just stupid, that's fine, vote your conscience. But if you're a fascist bigot pretending, you might as well admit it to the world and admit you're supporting Trump.

Either way, it's not a persuasive argument to make anyone think you have anything of value to say.


Voting is always an act of harm reduction. Choosing to vote for a non-viable option or not vote is a statement that neither you nor those you care about (in life or the abstract) are in minimal risk of harm or you don’t care about the harm they may undergo.

That’s either privilege or sociopathy.

And honestly I suspect there is a lot of astroturf trying to make the argument. Far too many people on social media are using the same talking points, eg "I can't support a genocide enabler." Which is a valid issue, but it's disingenuous to think that Trump is going to be better for Palestine. Harris, being a human being with empathy, would certainly want the violence to end. Trump wants the genocide to finish. He's said that. A Jill Stein protest vote is nothing.

Well, I'm not voting for Stein. And according to Lemmy everyone who isn't voting for Harris is a russian agent.

It's not everyone. But it's not no one, either. It's hard to separate the liars from the people who don't know any better.

Then maybe let's not be so quick to label someone a russian agent just because they are not voting for your candidate then.

That’s either privilege or sociopathy.

And the way your post is worded makes think that you may be coming from a place of either privilege or sociopathy.

Just because someone disagree with you, doesn't mean they have privilege or that they are sociopaths. Thank you!

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tells me you might be a fascist bigot, or you might be stupid.

And you trying to bully and pressure me, tells me the same things about yourself that you just accused me of. Either way, it’s not a persuasive argument to make anyone think you have anything of value to say.

I'm still voting third party. And proudly. Thank you!

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If you choose Harris over Trump, you are choosing the lesser of two evils. If you choose between Fruit and Stein, you are choosing the lessor of two weevils.

If/until the US installs a ranked choice voting system and dissolves the electoral college, third party candidates are not viable.

Third parties will never be viable if we keep dismissing them and refuse to vote for them, which only strengthens the duopoly's stranglehold on our political system.

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