Staff 'banana-proof' areas for Swedish minister's phobia to Not The – 136 points –
'Banana-free areas requested' over Swedish minister's phobia

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Phobias suck so much ass. I don't think those poking fun understand how embarrassing and frustrating it is to have a sudden panic attack over something you have no control over.

True, but I'm curious how someone gained a banana phobia. Was it a Little Albert situation and they terrified her as a baby every time they showed her a banana or something?

Edit: she isn't the only Swedish politician with a banana phobia. The hell is going on with Swedish bananas?

I can imagine a Doctor Who episode that starts with banana phobia, and later the Doctor discovers there are aliens posing as bananas in Sweden. Some young children can see through their disguise. And that’s why the minister has had a phobia since childhood.

Now I want the episode of the 'invasion of the banana'