Third Teen Worker Killed In Industrial Accident As States Try To Loosen Child Labor Laws to politics – 1134 points –
Third Teen Worker Killed In Industrial Accident As States Try To Loosen Child Labor Laws

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This is what degeneracy looks like.

Geriatric cucks permitting kids working for the holy profit... FEMA camps staffed by Obama death panels...


They said:

This is what degeneracy looks like.

Geriatric cucks permitting kids working for the holy profit... FEMA camps staffed by Obama death panels...

You're being downvoted for being snarky, but it's actually kinda handy after their comment was removed. Just being able to marvel at the strangeness that once existed.

A small price to pay lol

You know, if you actually lived in reality you might not be as sad.

Just a thought.

You don’t believe in the death panels staffing FEMA camps thing… do you?

Health insurance companies are the death panels.

I have heard from libertarians and conservatives since the 80's about FEMA camps. Got some vhs tapes in my attic from the mid 80's detailing the insanity. These people are the terrorists

Yeah, it’s weird how Obama was trying to end the insurance death panel by providing a public alternative and they immediately accused him of providing a death panel. It’s like every accusation is an admission with them.