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the lgbtq instances

Are the LGBTQIA+ subs really that bad though? They seem fine to me

There was a post about proportional representation in media. I pointed out that if a group of people are a minority, then it's perfectly normal for them to also be a minority in the media, if we are to represent reality.

I was genuinely participating in the discussion and wasn't using harsh language or anything.

I got a message from a mod saying I am wrong, and if I write another post trying to discuss or defend my point of view, I will be banned for lack of empathy.

Those places are toxic as fuck

"They won't even let me spew blatantly bigoted talking points on their forums, how toxic of them!"

Sort of just seems like math too me. If a basket has apples and oranges in it, but far more are apples then oranges, it's safe to assume you'll see more apples when you look in the basket. Doesn't mean the oranges aren't just a good as the apples, there's just more apples.

it is not blatantly bigoted. It's just a fact that applies to all minorities.

I see more people in wheelchairs in my day to day life than I do lgbtiq people, albeit still only a few. Both exist. both are a minority and both are not that way by choice. I don't hear wheelchair bound people complaining that there should be a lot more wheelchair bound tv and movie characters. It's not like there aren't any (professor X, for example), but there aren't much, just like real life.

Yeah you have to love sites which advertise themselves as being open to discussion and yet they are anything but that.

These people just want an echo chamber. It's funny too because these same people have been accusing right wing groups for years of living in an echo chamber where no new ideas ever enter. And they are totally correct in that. Right wing subs on Reddit are toxic as fuck (I assume if any exist on Lemmy, they'd be the same). But these typically left wing groups online are almost as bad. God forbid you have a perfectly valid point.... nope. They won't allow it.

They're extremely toxic. For a community that supposedly accepts everyone no matter who they are, they sure contradict themselves often and why I have no respect toward most of the communities. People are awful. It is worse in the Autistic communities. Never felt like I belonged cuz everyone treated me like garbage.

EDIT: The downvotes just proved my point. Yes I will say it loud and proud... the lgbtq+ communities are fucking awful and toxic. Most autistic people I've met on the internet have been even worse. Sorry but just because you're autistic doesn't give you an excuse to be a dick and I'm both Autistic and bisexual.

a community that supposedly accepts everyone no matter who they are

"Bigot" isn't a protected or indeed persecuted group, so you can stop playing the victim.

The downvotes just proved my point. Yes I will say it loud and proud... the lgbtq+ communities are fucking awful and toxic. Most autistic people I've met on the internet have been even worse.

"If people don't like what I'm saying, it's proof that I'm right" is literally the kind of thing deranged bigot Alex Jones keeps saying.

Doubling down on your bigotry won't make you any less wrong and bigoted, it just makes you look desperate for acknowledgement from other bigots.

Honestly, with somthing like this, "biggot" is nessisarrly easy to apply as trolls need delt with quick.

They wrote sutch long beutiful sentences /s

That Ide love them to show their work as its that important to verify first.

Because the topic has so many bad actors, you need to put in work (stuff like links to the event or relivant post) to show me that your claims are valid. If you do, you will be concidered in a way higher regard than those criticizing you.

"Bigot" isn't a protected or indeed persecuted group, so you can stop playing the victim.

I forgot. Whenever I say something unpopular like I just did there is always that superior moron who calls me a bigot.

"If people don't like what I'm saying, it's proof that I'm right" is literally the kind of thing deranged bigot Alex Jones keeps saying.

I think you should reread the OP and the comment I originally replied to. Also, comparing to what I said to Alex Jones just makes you look pathetic.

You're pathetic and clearly illiterate and can't critically think. Your whole reply is just calling me a bigot and comparing me to Alex Jones. How does it feel like to prove my point by name calling and insulting?

I forgot. Whenever I say something unpopular like I just did there is always that superior moron who calls me a bigot.

Nope, it's whenever you say something bigoted. Confusing the two is a very common mistake amongst bigots, especially the ones with a persecution complex.

I think you should reread the OP and the comment I originally replied to. Also, comparing to what I said to Alex Jones just makes you look pathetic.

Claiming that people only criticize him because he's wrong is his favourite deflection and not one that rational people with an abundance of self awareness use. If you don't want to be compared to Alex Jones, don't act like Alex Jones.

You're pathetic and clearly illiterate and can't critically think. Your whole reply is just calling me a bigot and comparing me to Alex Jones. How does it feel like to prove my point by name calling and insulting?

Again with the deflection of valid criticism without any argument other than a nonsensical claim that accusations of bigotry proves that you're not a bigot 🙄

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What isn't fine is personal attacks, harmful or derogatory language and deliberate misinformation. Be respectful when discussing hot topics. If it devolves further then the post might be locked.

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