Singapore hangs woman convict for drug trafficking, first in almost 20 years

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Singapore hangs woman convict for drug trafficking, first in almost 20 years

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Some crimes are so heinous and intrinsically evil that I believe we as society shouldn't take the burden of keeping those people alive just for the sake of it. I believe that in those very limited cases, death penalty should be allowed.

The problem is that you will 100% kill innocent people. And there is no way to reverse it later on...

The state always hurts innocent people regardless, so ultimately better to just kill them than to subject them to the horrors of prison and act like that's okay simply because they're alive.

Personally, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make and I unironically would feel safer from my own government knowing the worst that'll happen is a mere hanging compared to the enslavement, torture and rape, for decades, flung onto innocents in the name of being humane.

and if it was you who was being executed for something you didn't do?

I would be grateful it was only a noose and not decades of rape, torture, and enslavement. That's literally why I believe it. Specifically because I don't want to be falsely imprisoned, and if you actually empathized, you'd feel the same way.

These process go through lengthy trials

Which works great, look at Texas which is very careful to check exactly how brown you are before execution.

The systems are corrupted because the people who run the systems are people.

And still, there are a lot innocent people killed

If it's allowed there will be mistakes, innocent people will be killed.

And it will be abused.

Mistakes happen, get over it

Admitting that mistakes can happen is a strong argument against the death penalty. You can't "get over" or "fix" death.

This should only be used for cases where there is 100% of evidence that the person is guilty (eg: tool box killers, Breivik, mass murderers, etc)

I agree death penality itself has its uses e.g. prosecution of war criminals, rebel leaders, druglords and I think corrupt officials in some cases. It should be applied to those who despite being behind bars would continue to influence outside causing more death or downfall of a nation if they remain alive. Though for this case just for carrying heroine I don't think that should be a death sentence it is just stupid an outdated way of control. Though problem with death sentence sometimes it becomes a hammer and when it becomes a hammer everything becomes a nail. It should only be a last resort.